Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » April
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Just end Castle now!
April 18th, 2016 under Nathan Fillion. [ Comments: none ]

It seems like the last few seasons of Castle have ended with contract negotiations between the leads Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic, and this season one of them wasn’t asked to renew their contract according to Deadline. ABC reportedly needs to save some money on the ageing procedural and they did not ask Katic and Tamala Jones to return for the 9th season, if there is one.
I ask you, with these forced departures, is there any reason for this show to go on? I say close the book on this series. It is time. Actually it has been time ever since they made Castle disappear on his wedding day and still have not explained what really happened. They tried to this season, but I got bored and fell asleep during that episode.
On that note, a few weeks ago, my friend predicted that show was going to turn into Castle running his private eye agency with his daughter (Molly C. Quinn) and Hayley (Toks Olagundoye). I guess she was right, and I was really hoping she was wrong.
Back to Katic, here is what she had to say to Deadline about her departure, “Rather then distract from what was an amazing experience, I would just like to say that I’m very grateful to ABC for giving me the opportunity to be a part of a much beloved show. Thank you to the fans.” I am sure this won’t be the last we see of her. She will wind up on something that appreciates her. Something Castle hasn’t done in years.

UPDATE: Jon Huertas Tweeted an update about Seamus Dever and his situation, “Who knows what ABC has in store at this point. @seamusdever & I haven’t been asked back yet either… Uh oh. #NothingIsAsitSeemsAnymore” Without the four of them there really is not reason to do another season.


Did Taylor Swift learn how to dance from The Breakfast Club?
April 18th, 2016 under Taylor Swift. [ Comments: 1 ]
There is a new Apple Music commercial out with Taylor Swift, and this time she is dancing in it as compared to losing a battle with a treadmill. While she dances better to Jimmy Eat World’s The Middle than she does bopping around at concerts, I felt like I had seen those moves before.
Don’t most of them remind you of that legendary dance scene from The Breakfast Club? But there is one important lesson she didn’t learn from that classic movie and that is how to put on lipstick like Molly Ringwald. Ladies, tell me I am not the only who tried it! And yes, I also danced like them too because who didn’t want to have as much fun as they were having going wild to Karla DeVito’s We Are Not Alone.
Side note, how did I not realize until now that the woman who sang that song, is also the same woman who told Meat Loaf to stop right there during Paradise in the Dashboard Light. Do kids still belt out that coming of age song? Please them me yes!
Anyways back to The Breakfast Club, here is that awesome dance scene to brighten your day!


This weather system is a real dick!
April 18th, 2016 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

via FTV Live
KWCH‘s Molly McCollum was doing weather the other day, and looks like the people of Minnesota are going to penetrated by the tip of a major storm front. To make matters worse, the people in her town of Wichita, Kansas are balls deep in it. Now when it comes to Iowa, they are stuck in the middle. They will feel it, but it just won’t be as stimulating as it is for the surrounding states.
You know, if storms looked like this when I was growing up, I probably would’ve gone into meteorology instead of hard and entertainment news.


Josh Brolin really let himself go
April 18th, 2016 under Josh Brolin. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Josh Brolin was in Goonies, he has always been handsome. But this weekend at Coachella, he was anything but. His hair was a ratty mess past his shoulders with a beard to match. If that was not enough, his white T-Shirt was stained yellow.
So is the hunky actor gone forever? Nope, that was just him having some fun thankfully because the Grizzly Adams look is not good one for him.


Hot Links!
April 17th, 2016 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who is under all of that hair? – Dlisted

Poor Joshua Jackson – Farandulista

Emma Watson showing a lot of skin – GCeleb

Taylor Swift finally got a new look – Celebitchy

Reese Witherspoon's camel toe – The Nip Slip

Who eats corn like he gives a blow job! – THS

Shay Mitchell barely avoids a nip slip – Celebslam

Who won't get married til everyone can get high? – TB


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