Before Emily Osment was Young & Hungry, she was left young & hungry on Friends when Rachel ran out of candy on Halloween. How precious was the 9 year old in that 2001 episode?
Wheel of Fortune is all about solving puzzles, and yesterday Pat Sajak decided to test the contestants knowledge about Geography.
David and Keri solved the Prize Puzzle Round’s puzzle that reads “Gondola Ride Through Venice,” and that meant that their prize is to go here. The host wanted to see if they knew what country they were going to and David said, “Paris.” Then he thought about that and realized Paris is a city and not a country, so he guessed again. This time he said, “France.” Which is a country, but not the one that Venice is in. Keri then asked the Sajak, “Do we still get it?” Thankfully, they do and off to Italy they will be going. And I am sure that David will never ever forget that Venice is Italy.
If this was Jeopardy, David would have to take his wife out for a very expensive Italian dinner in their hometown to make up for his error. But since it isn’t, they will just have to eat Italian food in Italy instead. Good thing the couple went on the right game show for him.
I guess there a lot of people, like me, who enjoyed watching The Rock trying to survive several major earthquakes on the West Coast. That’s because The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Warner Bros has green lit a sequel to the huge 2015 blockbuster San Andreas.
Since California was pretty much demolished in the first film, this time they will be traveling out of the state. THR says that it will be “focusing on the infamous Ring of Fire” in the Pacific Ocean. Sounds like things will be a lot hotter for them because not only will they be dealing with quakes, they will also have the threat of volcanoes.
No word when the sequel will be released, but looks The Rock will be joined once again by his movie wife Carla Gugino and daughter Alexandra Daddario along with Seismologist Paul Giamatti.
If you have not seen San Andreas, you should rent it ASAP. It is shockingly enjoyable, and that is coming from someone who lives in Los Angeles.
Us Weekly got Lena Dunham to write down 25 things you don’t know about her and she revealed some things you don’t know about her and some you do. Did you know she likes to eat baby food a lot? Or that she is allergic to artichokes? Or that if she doesn’t sleep until 10a, she gets nauseous?
But #20 is the best one, there she revealed, “I have no appendix, no wisdom teeth and no shame.” I like this one the most because she finally admitted what we all know. Not that she doesn’t have any wisdom…teeth, but that she has “no shame.” I wonder what gave us that idea? On Monday night, people were infuriated because Adele’s performance at the Grammys was marred by an audio glitch. One of the microphones on the piano fell on to the strings and warped the sound of her performance.
Today on The Ellen DeGeneres Show she got a second chance to sing All I Ask, and boy did she knock it out of the park. It’s a shame it didn’t go as well at the Grammys, but who cares as long as we get one phenomenal performance.
When she was done singing the song, Ellen asked her about that flawed performance. Adele revealed that she spent the whole next day spontaneously crying over the incident. But then again, she cries over anything and everything. She even admitted, she cried when she met Belle at Disneyland this week. And I am sure Belle wanted to cry when she met Adele.
She had one more big reveal during their chat, and that is that she is a ‘bit pitchy’ when she sings. Someone get Randy Jackson on the phone because I have never heard be like that. Have you?