Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015
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Fuller Horror House!
December 20th, 2015 under Full House. [ Comments: none ]

I thought I was the only one who found the Fuller House teaser kind of creepy, and turns out that I was not alone. ScreenCrush thought the same thing, and they replaced the audio with a horror movie like soundtrack. Now that they have done that, I am completely terrified of the Netflix revival.


Graham Elliot is no longer a MasterChef
December 19th, 2015 under Gordon Ramsay. [ Comments: 5 ]

Graham Elliot announced on Twitter that he is departing MasterChef and MasterChef Junior, leaving Gordon Ramsay as the only original judge on the cooking competition show.
I am sad to see him go because he brought a certain warmth to the show that the others didn’t. That and I wish it was Christina Tosi was the one who was departing, she just comes off as cold and unlikable to me.
No word who will be replacing him, but I hope it is someone who has the compassion and passion that he has.


Tom Arnold is a father again!
December 19th, 2015 under Tom Arnold. [ Comments: none ]

Tom Arnold and his wife, Ashley, welcomed their second child yesterday. According to People, Quinn Sophie came into the world weighing 7 lbs., 9 oz. and measuring 22 inches long. She has an older brother Jax who is 2 1/2 years old.
It’s amazing how much he has changed since he was married to his first wife. All for the better.


Has David Giuntoli become a real Divo?
December 18th, 2015 under Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]

David Giuntoli has become a star thanks to Grimm, and it looks that might’ve gone to his head. The actor did an Ariana Grande and made his Executive Producer Todd Milliner and director Nick Pete carry him around. But to the two men, it was well worth it because he is doing a cameo in their comedy pilot.
I wondered what else was in the Grimm’s rider besides being a rider in a human car?


Be careful when you ask Harrison Ford to sign anything!
December 18th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

The cast of Star Wars was on Conan yesterday and Jordan Schlansky got to meet his idol Harrison Ford. The Associate Producer brought out a Millennium Falcon made of Lego for Hans Solo to sign. But then something horribly, I mean hilariously, went wrong.
Why Ford became an action star over comedic one will always be perplexing to me. I find his humor spot on!


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