John Mayer posted a morning Selfie of himself in bed, and the singer was wearing a suit and tie. Why? Does he think that is what Katy Perry likes? Nope, he is just prepping himself to guest host CBS’s The Late Late Show tonight, tomorrow and Friday. He found that one of the best ways to do that is to look the part all the time. Although, if you are interviewing Jim Carrey, does it matter what you wear?
How do you think he is going to do behind the desk?
Andy Richter posted a photo of a huge pen!s backstage on the set of Conan and we don’t know why it is there? We will just have to tune into the TBS show every night at 11p to find out. Or we can assume Conan O’Brien has been lying to us and he is hung like the tall man that he is.
On that note, here is a great joke from Conan’s monologue tonight, “In the United Kingdom, a man underwent 31 plastic surgeries to make himself look like a human Ken Doll. But correct me if I’m wrong, but to look like a Ken Doll, don’t you only have to have 1 surgery?” Oh wait, maybe that is the source of the humongous Twinkie!
Before Chris Evans was dressing up as Captain America, he was dressing up in drag in Opposite Sex. He looks a lot different now then he did when he was 18 in that 2000 episode.
Tonight at 10p on Forever, the murder that Henry (Ioan Gruffudd) is assigned to will hit close to home for his son, Abe (Judd Hirsch) and himself.
A man was murdered by a blunt force trauma to his head and his apartment is full of some of the best copycat art that Henry has ever seen. As Henry is admiring his pieces, Jo (Alana de la Garza) and Detective Hanson (Donnie Keshawarz) notice a swastika where the fatal injury is located. It is then that Henry realizes the art is not copies, but the real thing. They were stolen by the Nazis during the war and this man was trying to return the items to their rightful owners.
As they investigate his murder, they learn more about the stolen art and the great effort this man went through to get it back to the surviving family members. So who would want him dead?
Meanwhile, we learn even more about Abe’s past. While getting checked over by a nurse for insurance reasons, we find out that he doesn’t know anything about his parents that were killed in Auschwitz. When I say anything, I mean he doesn’t even know their names or what they look like. Even though it has been 70 years, it is still a hard subject for him and there is nothing that Henry can do to help him find those answers.
Adam (Burn Gorman) is back and he might have something for Abraham. During their not so chance meeting, Adam leaves a present for Henry with him at the antiques store, so that his father will contact him. When Henry and Adam meet, Adam reveals something very traumatic that happened to him and might explain why he is the way is.
What is that reveal? You will have to tune in to this very emotional episode to find out.
Also you will get to see Judd Hirsch give one of his most powerful and finest performances of his long career. A moment you don’t want to miss and you will want to have the tissues ready for it because it is a tearjerker.