Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015 » February
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BTWF home videos: Melissa Rauch singing Dance 10, Looks 3
February 26th, 2015 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Melissa Rauch had t!ts and a$$ on The Big Bang Theory, she was singing Dance 10, Looks 3 from A Chorus Line which is all about those two body parts. How oddly cute is the 8 year old singing that inappropriate song back in 1988?


Mark McGrath unknowingly involved in the worst PR campaign ever
February 26th, 2015 under Adult Swim, Not Dead. [ Comments: none ]

The world was rocked this morning when an emailed press release went out saying that Mark McGrath was shot and killed.
The press release read:

Musician Mark McGrath has died at the age of 46. McGrath was on set filming the second season of entertainment show Hot Package, when he was confronted by a masked gunman and shot several times. The former Sugar Ray frontman died in the arms of his co-host Derrick Beckles on the Hollywood set of the show.
In honor of Mr. McGrath’s legacy, his team is asking in liu of flowers, fans post a Sugar Ray Selfie, holding a packet of sugar over their heart. #RIPMARKMCGRATH

Then a few hours later, after his people confirmed he was alive, the PR company said he alive.
The release said:

Please be advised that Mark McGrath and his team have had no involvement in or knowledge of the media alerts sent earlier this morning.
Mr. McGrath is a guest on the show, and his death is merely a plot line in the premiere episode. PRISMATICS take full responsibility for any confusion.

In honor of their stupid campaign, I say let’s boycott the show. I feel for the people who work on the show, but how can anyone think that was even remotely funny?
So how did Mark McGrath feel about it? Here’s what he Tweeted, “To be clear, I’m only apologizing to anyone affected by this death hoax, as I am in no way involved with this really lame press release. I can only hope the people responsible will clear my name, but I won’t hold my breath…what was a fun cameo on a show, has become a bummer.”


These oldies but goodies, show Bruno Mars how its done!
February 26th, 2015 under Awesome Videos, Bruno Mars. [ Comments: none ]

Bruno Mars is an old skool musician, but some real old schoolers recreated his video to Uptown Funk and showed him how funky they are. Alex Boyle gathered up some of the hippest people grannies and grampas he knows and shot his own version of the music video. Their ages ranged from 65-92 and you’d never know it by watching them shake their grove things. If their ages and their dancing isn’t impressive enough for you, then the fact that they have 500 children, 1,200 grandchildren, and 250 great grandchildren between them should. And I am sure all of those almost 2,000 children are impressed by the parents, grandparents and greatparents showing the world how alive they are! How can they not be and how can we not be?
I hope they do more videos like this in the future because they are smooth and can show us a thing or two.


Tara Reid causes a Sharknado!
February 26th, 2015 under Tara Reid. [ Comments: none ]

Tara Reid is having so much fun filming Sharknado 3 and Vine videos, she is taking it to the streets. OK, bar, but close enough. The actress put on the Sharknado mask and scared unsuspecting people. The reaction in the second video says it all. But who cares what they think, she is having a blast and it shows!


What made Ice-T go see Fifty Shades of Grey?
February 26th, 2015 under Fifty Shades, Ice-T/ Coco. [ Comments: 5 ]

Ice-T was on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon asked him what he thought of the movie Fifty Shades of Grey. The Law & Order: SVU star said, “Boring! Boring, it could’ve been on Nickelodeon.” Then he added, “I went to see it with Coco. Coco read the books and she said it was boring.” The NBC late night wanted to know if his wife made him go and he said he didn’t. So what made him go, “I wanted to see what all the women were talking about. I wanted to see if this was some sexy movie. Maybe I could’ve learned some movies, there was something in there.” Then he added, “I went to see Fifty Shades of Grey and it just kept building up and I’m like, what’s going to happen, what’s going to happen, she told me that just how the books are. It’s kind of like Lost…you think something is going to happen and you keep watching it. Fifty Shades of Grey, that’s nothing.” Then he concluded his review with, “What about A Shade of Black, that’s all you need.” I hope Coco and him write that book and it gets turned into a movie because looks like we can all learn something about him.


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