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How much would you pay for a dead show-winning dog’s sperm?
February 17th, 2015 under Animal Planet. [ Comments: 1 ]

Did you know there is a market for sperm from show-winning dogs? I didn’t either, but there is and it ain’t cheap. Bloomberg Business says that Jere Marder, who breeds Old English Sheep Dogs, is selling her dead dog’s sperm for $2,000 a pop. That’s right, dead. Lambluv Desert Dancer, Yoshi, won 64 Best in Show awards and passed away in 2006. Even though he’s been gone for over 7 years, he left a little bit of himself behind. OK, a lot of himself behind because his master still has over 100 straws aka sperm specimens left.
Marder isn’t the only who does this, according to the American Kennel Club 2,200 litters from sperm donors have been registered with them.
While those 2,200 litters went smoothly, there have been cases where they didn’t. Just like with humans, there are times when things can wrong. Bloomberg says that in 2009, a Corgi breeder claims that her dog almost died giving birth because the dog got the sperm of Great Pyrenees, a much bigger dog. Then there are samples that didn’t travel well or were accidentally defrosted.
Still want to make sure your dog gets a purebred’s winning junk, then check out International Canine Semen Bank, they work with 50 animal hospitals around the world.
Just when you thought Sperm Banks were icky, comes news that their Sperm Banks for dogs. Wonder if the bitches donate their eggs too? I will stop there because it is all too much to contemplate.


Justin Bieber gets egged!!!
February 17th, 2015 under Comedy Central, Justin Bieber. [ Comments: none ]

Comedy Central released the first promo for their Roast of Justin Bieber and it eggcellent. I am not even eggaggerating.
They took one of his most infamous reported incidents and turned it around him. Remember when he allegedly egged his neighbor’s house? Well, instead of egging the singer’s house, they egged him. He actually took it like a man. Which hopefully he will do on March 30th. If he any has problems with how to do that, then he can just ask his RoasterMaster for some advice. You know, the star of Think Like a Man, Kevin Hart.
I don’t know about you, but I am really eggcited for this Roast!


Proof that Brian Williams isn’t the only who lies in news?
February 17th, 2015 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

via FTV Live
Last year, Dave Blake reported as though he was a real reporter covering the snow is New Hampshire and it is just as relevant today. He dressed like the reporters you see on the news, and pretended to be blown by the wind when it wasn’t that windy. Not only that, he found a way to make the snow accumulation look greater than it is. He then went on to interview a guy in a plow truck and it was better than most of the reporters who work for those national news networks.
So even though this report is not real, I think it more real than the ones we see on the real news. So maybe Brian Williams isn’t the only who tells a little lie on the news? Starting to reconsider your opinion of him?


Selena Gomez poses topless in short shorts
February 17th, 2015 under Disney Kids, Selena Gomez. [ Comments: none ]

Selena Gomez got the cover of V magazine and she showed almost everything but the V. I guess, the 22 year old is trying to shed her Disney image and that is why she took such a sexy photo.
On that note, she might be old enough to vote; but in this picture, she looks more like she should be planning her Sweet 16. Seriously doesn’t she look like she is in high school in it?


Tara Reid shares some Sharknado 3 spoilers!
February 17th, 2015 under Tara Reid. [ Comments: none ]

Tara Reid is back in Sharknado infested waters and she is not alone. Looks she lost her hand in the second movie and she is gaining a baby for the third one.
The actress shared a photo from the first scene of the Syfy sequel, that they shot today in Orlando, and her character, April Wexler, is looking a little bit pregnant.
That isn’t the only reveal in the picture, she also revealed that Bo Derek is going to be in it. I give that casting a 10. Wonder who else will make an cameo appearance in the movie that is destroying the East Coast. Maybe North West can play April and Fin’s new born baby?


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