Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » August
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Ed Sheeran as Little Orphan Annie!
August 29th, 2014 under Ed Sheeran, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Coming up in December, NBC is airing a live version of Peter Pan with a female in the title role. Well ABC wanted to top that so they are putting on Annie in November with a male lead. Who will be belting out The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow? It will be Ed Sheeran. Judging from the preview we got on Jimmy Kimmel Live, I think he will be better than that Oscar nominee who is playing the beloved character on the big screen the following month. What do you think?


BTWF ads: Wesley Snipes for Western Union
August 29th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

via The Back Row
Before Wesley Snipes was working as an architect in Jungle Fever, he was begging his parents to send him money via Western Union. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1987 ad.


Who did that curly locks kid grow up to be?
August 29th, 2014 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to find out who used to be young and restless, then click here!


Donald Trump and Dolly Parton get their ‘hair’ wet for the ALS IBC!
August 28th, 2014 under ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Dolly Parton, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge got popular, I have been wanting to see two people do it. Today, Donald Trump and Dolly Parton heard my prayers and let their hair get wet for ALS.
In a millions years, OK since the viral sensation is dying down, did I expect either one of them to accept it. However, today both of them braved the water and we got see what their ‘hair’ looks like when it’s drenched.
I honestly thought that Donald Trump was going to look like Cousin It from The Addams Family, but sadly, he didn’t. In fact, it didn’t look like that front section was that long. So how does it create his look? Some mysteries I guess will always be left to the unknown. But there was one mystery solved today, and that is that Trump’s hair is real because fake hair could not have survived that.
Now when it comes to Dolly Parton, the Country Crooner, is just so gosh darn cute. Plus, her wig really held up to the challenge and stayed on. And you boys got to see her in a wet T-shirt. Something I am sure made you guys really happy.
Happy as I am that they accepted the challenge and donated money for a good cause.


The Freak Show we know as American Horror Story
August 28th, 2014 under American Horror Story. [ Comments: 2 ]

For months we have been hearing how American Horror Story is going to freaky this season, as in it takes place at a Freak Show. Therefore, you have to wonder what the hell is going on in Ryan Murphy’s wacky mind that is a freak show of its own. Well today, FX released a character poster and we are getting our first glimpse of what we can expect on October 8th. We will see Kathy Bates with a beard, Michael Chikilis as a very strong man and Sarah Paulson with two heads since she is a Siamese Twins.
I don’t know about you, but I am so ready to get freaky with this show already after seeing this poster. I think it looks hotter than the flame that the fire-eater swallows during a really good performance.


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