Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » March
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Is this US Senate candidate saying she wants to castrate other DC politicians?
March 26th, 2014 under Politics. [ Comments: 2 ]

Joni Ernst is running for US Senate in Iowa and she might have the scariest campaign ad I’ve ever seen. The first thing she says in the commercial is “I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm. So in Washington, I’ll know how to cut pork.” She ends it by saying, “Let’s make them squeal!” So is that her way of saying she wants to do to them what she did to the pigs when she was kid? Actually that is not a bad idea!!! If that is her intention, then I guess she has my vote.


BTWF roles: Corbin Bersen on The Waltons
March 26th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 3:19 in)

Before Corbin Bersen was a lawyer on LA Law, he was a Navy man on The Waltons. How cute was the 25 year old in that 1980 episode.


Why didn’t someone slap Jude Law on the back?
March 26th, 2014 under Jimmy Fallon, Jude Law. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Jimmy Fallon asked his Tonight Show audience to send in pictures of their kids making funny faces and yesterday it was explained why. He had Jude Law and him recreate the cute funny faces. While they were awwwdorable on the little ones, they weren’t as cute on the adults. But they were still fun to see@


If I could hug the Psych series finale, I would!
March 26th, 2014 under Psych, USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p on USA, Psych says goodbye after 8 great seasons.
Shawn (James Roday) has decided to move to San Fransisco to be with Juliette (Maggie Lawson), and now he just has to figure out how to tell everyone including his BFF Gus (Dule Hill). Shawn asks his dad (Corbin Bersen) how to break the news to Gus, and Henry tells him to let his partner in crine solve a case because hearing bad news during something good makes it easier. When that doesn’t work, Shawn has only one to do it and it is sweet.
During tonight’s series finale there will be laughs, tears, surprises that are top gun and plenty of screams from Gus.
The episode is sincerely the perfect sendoff for this show, that I think that all other shows that know they’re end is coming should watch this to find out how to do it right. The only thing that would make it perfect, is if the show wasn’t really ending and if a certain mentioned person actually appeared on the show tonight.


Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are separated by bullcrack!
March 26th, 2014 under Sir Patrick Stewart/Sir Ian McKellen. [ Comments: none ]

Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are continuing their tour around NYC and their latest stop took them to the NYSE. The Two Sirs couldn’t help but to make sure that they posed with the infamous bull statue outside while they were there. Instead of posing with him from the front, they did it from the side that we all know that animal from. You know the body part that the sh!t comes out of.
And this is just another reason why we love them!


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