Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » March
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BTWF roles: Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Troll
March 12th, 2014 under 80s, Before They Were Famous, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seinfeld. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Julia Louis-Dreyfus was friends with Jerry, George and Kramer on Seinfeld, she was friends with more than one Troll. She looks the same now as she did when she was 24 in that 1986 movie.


Sarah Michelle Gellar finally shares a pic of her husband and her!
March 12th, 2014 under Freddie Prinze Jr / Sarah Michelle Gellar. [ Comments: 1 ]

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze have been happily married for over 11 years, but you rarely ever see the couple together. Today to celebrate getting 200,000 followers on Twitter, The Crazy Ones’ star shared a sweet picture of her loving husband with her. I don’t know why we don’t see them together more often because they really are cute looking couple.
BTW maybe this photo is the push that Freddie needs to join Twitter. How great would it be if he followed his wife’s footsteps?


Do Tina Fey and Danny Trejo have something to tell us?
March 12th, 2014 under Do they have something to tell us?, Tina Fey. [ Comments: none ]

via Getty Images
Danny Trejo was photographed down on one knee holding Tina Fey’s hand at the Muppets Most Wanted premiere yesterday and I have to wonder if they have something to tell us? Since both of them are already married, I don’t think they do. Which is kind of a bummer because they are kind of a cute couple. Don’t you agree?
BTW you can watch Trejo on the very funny Saint George tomorrow at 9p on FX.


Ricky Gervais’ mom told him he was mistake!
March 12th, 2014 under Conan O'Brien, Ricky Gervais. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ricky Gervais was on Conan yesterday and he told the late night host that there is an 11 year age difference between him and his siblings. So one day when he was about 11, he asked his mom why that is and she simply told him because he was a mistake. And now we know why he is the way that he is.
BTW I am sure him mum thinks he is a happy mistake because look at how good he turned out.


When bad photos happen to good people: Julia Louis-Dreyfus
March 12th, 2014 under 80s, Bad Photos Good People, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

via Getty Images
Julia Louis-Dreyfus attended the The Television Academy’s 23rd Hall Of Fame Induction Gala yesterday and she was photographed looking like she was checking out her boobs to make sure they were even. It wouldn’t be so bad if her face didn’t look like she sucked on a lemon. Now having said all of that, I still think she looks great.


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