Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » March
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Mason tried to knock some sense into his Aunt Khloe Kardashian
March 17th, 2014 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Khloe Kardashian was lying down on the ground while her nephew, Mason, was twirling a flag around, and he accidentally hit her on the head. Then while she was hunched over in pain, he went on doing what he was doing as though nothing happened. I always knew I liked that kid and now it is confirmed.


What if your other favorite Disney characters sang Let It Go?
March 17th, 2014 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

via Ryan Seacrest
Brian Hull sang Let It Go, but not as himself. He sang it as some of the most famous voices from several Disney and Pixar movies, and it is the coolest version I have heard of the song so far.
So watch this video twice. Once with your eyes closed to see how many of them you can guess who they are. Then watch it again to see if you got them right.
And then watch it a third, fourth and fifth time because it just brings a huge smile to your face, and who doesn’t want one of those there?


Kathy Griffin is having a really bad hair day
March 17th, 2014 under Bad Hair, Kathy Griffin. [ Comments: none ]

Kathy Griffin Tweeted this picture herself having a really bad hair. The first thing I thought is that what Ronald McDonald looks like if her goes out in a rainstorm without an umbrella. Then I thought she looked like Side Show Bob if he brushed his hair. In other words, she finally looks like that cartoon character she sounds like.


Happy St Patrick’s Day!
March 17th, 2014 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

via NewsBreaker
Even though I grew up in NYC, I have to admit we have nothing on Chicago when it comes to celebrating St Patrick’s Day. One of the things they are most known for is turning their lake green for the day. Well up until today I always thought that Leprechauns did it, but now we are seeing how it is really done with this awesome time lapse video by Peter Tsai. Seriously how blimey cool is that?
One mystery solved, now I just have to figure out how they turn my beer green for the holiday.
On that note, have a happy St Patty’s Day and party responsibly.


Another horrifying ad from Old Spice
March 17th, 2014 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know what Old Spice‘s advertising agency is smoking, but whatever it is I don’t want any of it.
Earlier this year, they created one of the creepiest ads I’ve ever seen when they had mothers stalking their grown sons as they went out on dates with other women.
Well over the weekend they released a new commercial and it is creepy but in another way. Terry Crews, acting like a downed a few cases of Red Bull, shaved himself off of his face. That’s right, little Crews was a hair on his face and big Crews shaved him off. What’s even worse, besides the obnoxious screaming, is we see little Crews in the sink with his feet cut off. But it didn’t stop there because a razor came and cut the big Crews down to size.
Seriously, WTF are they thinking over at that ad agency because it is beyond weird. I was an out-of-the-box advertising major and even I wouldn’t come up with something as strange as that advertisement.


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