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Gilbert Gottfried makes a funny about Robin Thicke’s wife!
February 25th, 2014 under Alan and Robin Thicke, Gilbert Gottfried. [ Comments: none ]

Last year, Gilbert Gottfried was on Celebrity Wife Swap and he swapped spouses with Alan Thicke. Since the comedian stayed in his own home, I guess he didn’t get to see any pictures of Alan’s son Robin with his wife, Paula Patton. That is until yesterday, when it was announced that the younger Thicke was separating and there were photos of the former couple all over the place. Now that the former voice of Aflac knows what she looks like, he wishes he switched with the next generation of Thickes instead of the original one. I bet Gottfried’s wife feels the same way!
BTW ABC, when are we going to get a new season of Celebrity Wife Swap because that is the best reality show you have on your network?


Hot Links!
February 24th, 2014 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who forgot to tie his robe? – Dlisted
 The Super Back Hair Remover – MWTVG

 Which Pretty Little Liar got engaged? – Rickey
 Justin Bieber's neighbors don't want him – Popbytes
Dakota Fanning is a naughty little schoolgirl – GCeleb
Which very young actor did Demi Moore hit on? – Celebitchy
OMFG what happened to Daniel Radcliffe's hair? – Hollywood PQ

Jimmy Kimmel thinks making a baby is disgusting
February 24th, 2014 under Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Kimmel is going to be on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Wednesday and he has some big news for her. His wife, Molly McNearney and him are expecting their first child together. This is the ABC late night’s host third kid, his first two kids are old enough to have their own babies since they are in their early 20’s.
Luckily for the future baby, Kimmel still is a kid at heart. That’s because he told Ellen that he wants the baby’s middle name to be Effin and, you know what, I think that is a totally awesome name. Use it between your first and last name and don’t tell me you are not thinking about going to the courthouse tomorrow to change your name.


BTWF roles: John Laroquette in Stripes
February 24th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before John Laroquette was a lawyer on Night Court and Boston Legal, he was a Captain in Stripes. He looks the same now as he did when he was 33 in that 1981 movie.
John Laroquette Tweeted this about the late great Harold Ramis today:


Seth Meyers didn’t realize he got Late Night when he got the call
February 24th, 2014 under Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 12:37a Seth Meyers takes over Late Night on NBC, and recently at the NBC TCA Winter Press Day he talked to us about how he found out he got the job. Well, he didn’t exactly realize he would be hosting the show when he first got the call. You see, when I asked him how it all happened, he told me, “I might not be the right person to answer you.” Then he explained, “I was on the road, doing a show, in like Iowa, I was staying in a weird hotel, and Lorne (Michaels) called me because it had been printed that I was a frontrunner for this job.” Then he added, “I don’t know if any of you have had the chance to speak to Lorne Michaels, but he has a way of being cryptic and cyclical, and by the time I got off the phone, it took another month for me to realize, he told me I should do this.”
So how has he been prepping for tonight’s premiere episode? Leading up to the debut, he has been sitting down with the writers (who for most of them this is their first late night job) and getting to know them as they get to know him. They have also been doing two weeks of practice shows getting ready for the big night. Then he added this about all of the preparation he’s been doing, “Knowing by the way that after the first show it will just go into the garbage and we’ll start over.”
You see this is advice he got from his boss, Lorne Michaels, who told him, “Everyone thinks the preparation is about today to the first show, but really it is about the first to the second show because this is a job you do in 23 hours.” He also received some wise words from the man who had the job before him, the biggest advice Jimmy Fallon has given him, “is you just have to be patient with things like this. You won’t know what the show is on the first night, you’ll have a better sense in 6 months, a better sense in a year. So just try to approach it with the same integrity week in and week out.”
And guests with integrity would be his ideal gets. When I asked who he would like to book on the show, he told me, “Hillary Clinton would be great. I would love the sort of people that are big political players who have a lot of influence of what is going on in the world.” Then he concluded that thought with, “But we are sort of open to everybody.”
So is he nervous about tonight? A month ago he said, “He is “51% excited for the show and 49% nervous.” I am sure those numbers have stayed the same and I also am sure he will do a great job tonight, and tomorrow when we see a completely different show, and so on.
Even though he has known about this job for as long as it takes to make a baby, you are not prepared for that child until it is born and then parenting changes every day. That is how I think Late Night will be for him, but after he changes a few diapers and downs a few bottles, he will have this whole late night thing figured out. I know I will be watching him grow from an infant to a toddler to a teen and eventually someone who is old enough to stay up and watch his show.


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