Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » February
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Guess who that future rocker is?
February 27th, 2014 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who that little drummer, I mean guitar, boy is, then click here!


Is sexy Beyonce the girl you like?
February 27th, 2014 under Beyoncé. [ Comments: none ]

Beyonce has an explicit version out of her video for her song, Partition, and she is trying to be the girl you like. Translation she’s trying to be like Rihanna and Miley Cyrus all rolled into one and you know what I don’t think it is working. To me this is the oldest I have seen her look and she is only 32.
BTW did she really just sing, he just Monica Lewinskied all over my gown? Seriously?


Who knew Kevin Hart could bend it like Beckham?
February 27th, 2014 under Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

We all know that Kevin Hart is very funny, but did you know that he can also bend it like Beckhham? The guy who can Think Like a Man scored a goal against his “cousin” Manchester City‘s Joe Hart, who is considered one of the best goalkeepers ever. So how did he react to winning in that Grudge Match? Just as you would expect him to, as though he scored the winning touchdown during an American football game.
You go Kevin!


Sarah Michelle Gellar explains why she has a Candice Bergen sex doll!
February 27th, 2014 under Candice Bergen, Conan O'Brien, Freddie Prinze Jr / Sarah Michelle Gellar. [ Comments: none ]

A few weeks ago Josh Groban Tweeted a picture of himself with a Candice Bergen sex doll in Sarah Michelle Gellar’s dressing room on the set of The Crazy Ones, and yesterday Conan O’Brien asked her about that. Buffy the Vampire Slayer explained that she found it in David E Kelley’s closet (but don’t tell her boss where she found it), and she just had to have it. Now even though the life-size doll was a sex one on Boston Legal, is it really one? The actress asked what constitutes one, and Andy Richter told her, “It’s a doll you can put your pen!s in!” To which she told him that Seth Green says it is not. Bummer, imagine all things that Josh Groban could’ve done with it…
Mrs Freddie Prinze Jr didn’t only talk about the “sex” doll on the TBS late night show, she also talked about filming the pilot for hilarious sitcom The Crazy Ones (that airs on CBS tonight at its new time 9:30p) while she was breastfeeding. If you can get your hands on that episode, you will notice that her breasts are bigger in some scenes and smaller in the ones that were re-shot for the final version.
And with that I lost my male readers, which is a good thing because she also shared with Conan what happened when her dog Bella had her first period. She came up with a contraption for the literal Bitch, so that she was wearing Freddie’s boxers and a Maxi pad. Gellar shared a photo of her new product that she should sincerely consider marketing for dogs that have their time of the month.
We all know that SMG is so cute, and I think this interview on Conan yesterday proved why we all think that!


Jimmy Kimmel does good for a kid with brain cancer
February 27th, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Kimmel has made several kids cry with some of the things he asked parents to do them, but yesterday a kid made him cry. A few weeks ago, the ABC late night show asked their viewers to have their children send in some of the Rainbow Looms that they have made, along with a video of them making it, so he could have a suit tailored from all of them. Jimmy Kimmel Live got thousands of Looms and plenty of videos, but their one that stood out to the soon-to-be-father for a third time.
The students at Arroyo Elementary School in Tustin, California told him that he had to meet their friend, SuperMax, who is working on a Loom project of his own. The 7 year old boy is fighting brain cancer and this weekend he has having a Loom-A-Thon at his school to make the longest Rainbow Loom Chain in the World. They are doing this to make people aware of his charity, Max Love Project. The mission of the Max Love Project is to, “provide families fighting childhood cancers and life-threatening conditions with accessible, practical, and kid-friendly whole-body wellness. Our ultimate goal is to support SuperKids in overcoming the odds—to thrive in treatment and beyond. We believe that all kids should have full access to every cancer-fighting tool available, including excellent nutrition and therapeutic resources such as acupuncture, physical activity, and healing narratives.”
Jimmy was so inspired by SuperMax that he is donating proceeds from the sale of the Suit of the Loom to the Max Love Project. You can bid on the Suit of Loom on eBay.
I don’t think that when Kimmel started this project, he knew he would be so touched by one kid’s story. But he was and so are we. So if you have any Looms in your house, please send them to SuperMax so that his Rainbow Loom Chain can be at least 200 miles long!
BTW here is video of Jimmy Kimmel debuting the suit earlier on the show.


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