Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013
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Find out how Jay Leno really gets all of his cars and more!
December 20th, 2013 under Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jay Leno answered the audience’s questions and we learned a little more about the NBC late night host. Did you know he did an ad like the one that Jean Claude Van Damme did for Volvo? I think his better by a chin! We also found out how he can afford all of those cars. Not a bad plan if you know how to work the system.
He also revealed the trailer for Mrs Claus’ biography and we learn a secret about her that will shock everyone including her husband, Santa Claus.
Finally he wrapped up the Q&A with his Jib Jab Year in Review, and 2013 was definitely an interesting year.


Katy Perry and John Mayer’s ’70s Christmas special!
December 20th, 2013 under Ellen DeGeneres, John Mayer, Katy Perry. [ Comments: none ]

Did you know that Katy Perry and John Mayer have a Christmas special that aired in the ’70s? Well no one did until Ellen DeGeneres unearthed the lost video and played it on her show today. So watch as she does her best Marie Osmond and he does his best Sonny Bono as they sing Winter Wonderland together. It is cheesier than that cheese log your Aunt from Wisconsin sent you for the holiday, so you know that is pretty cheesy!


Ron Burgundy finally gets to Ride Like the Wind with Christopher Cross!
December 20th, 2013 under Frat Pack, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

It is the duet almost 30 years in the making and yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Run Burgundy finally got to sing Ride Like the Wind with Christopher Cross. So sit back and enjoy for a once in a lifetime experience.


The Expendables 3 now with more action stars and Kelsey Grammer!
December 20th, 2013 under Sylvester Stallone. [ Comments: none ]

The first teaser trailer is out for The Expendables 3 and man, is that a lot of testosterone. I don’t what it is about these D!CK flicks, but I can’t wait to see the third one in the franchise when it comes out in August.


Hot Links!
December 20th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

How well do you know your celebrity boobs? – Dlisted
Hilary Duff has a cute butt – Celebslam
Kim Kardashian in a small bikini – GCeleb
Jon Hamm's yule log is showing – Celebitchy
Lindsay Lohan's new nickname! – Bohomoth
The How to Train Your Dragon 2 trailer – Popbytes
The Robertson family responds to Phil being suspended – Rickey

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