Who will be back to host the Oscars this year? |
August 2nd, 2013 under Ellen DeGeneres, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]
ABC and AMPAS announced today who will be hosting the Oscars on March 2, 2014 and it will once again be James Franco and Anne Hathaway. Just joking Ellen DeGeneres is back to MC Hollywood’s Biggest Night. Let’s hope after the 5 year break she will be ready to wow us exactly 7 months from today.
I like her, but I remember her being a dud when she hosted the shin dig the last time. Then again who hasn’t been? Here’s to hoping she does better a job the second time around then she did the first time she was a judge on American Idol.
Hot Links! |
August 1st, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Who forgot their bra at home? – Dlisted
Who were a very see-thru dress? – GCeleb
Who is Madonna's one true love? – Bohomoth
Which piggy made her assistant feed her? Celebslam
Which show had their prize money cut by a 4/5th? – Rickey
Robin Thicke performs a stripped down version of Blurred Lines! |
August 1st, 2013 under Alan and Robin Thicke. [ Comments: none ]
Robin Thicke was on Late Night tonight and instead of doing Blurred Lines like he has been doing on all of those other talk shows; Jimmy Fallon decided to try to do something different with the song that he has done with some other artists. The Roots and the NBC late night host went into the dressing room with Thicke and used some make-shift instruments that you can find in any elementary classroom to perform the hit song that everyone is singing this summer. What you get is version of the song that might be even more addictive that the original one. Seriously I can’t stop listening to it.
BTW is it just me or for once doesn’t Robin Thicke look more like his mom, Gloria Longing, in this video than his dad, Alan Thicke?
BTWF roles: Anthony Anderson on In the House |
August 1st, 2013 under Anthony Anderson, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
(starts at 3:35 in)
Before Anthony Anderson was married on Guys with Kids, he was going to a Bachelor Party and hooking up with the stripper on In the House. He looks the same now as he did when he was 25 in that 2005 episode.
A mini-Lost reunion! |
August 1st, 2013 under Lost. [ Comments: none ]

Hurley and Jin are no longer Lost because Jorge Garcia and Daniel Dae Kim found each other at Hawaii Five-0. It’s nice to see them together again, especially now that they have finally showered.
The only negative thing about seeing them together is that it reminds me all over again how pissed off the ending of the show made me. Seriously what was the meaning of the Island?
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