Rihanna looks beautiful from the neck up |
August 5th, 2013 under Rihanna. [ Comments: none ]

Today was the annual Crop Over Festival in Barbados and Rihanna dressed up to the nines for it. Well at least she looked beautiful from necklace up. Below that is a different story; and if you want to see it, then click here!
BTWF ads: Samantha Mathis for Always |
August 5th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Under The Dome. [ Comments: none ]
Before Samantha Mathis played a mother on Under the Dome, she was happy that her Always pads were not designed for her mother. How cute was the 16 year old in that 1986 commercial.
Is the British Monarchy suffering from some hard times? |
August 5th, 2013 under British Royals, Hard times. [ Comments: 2 ]

Clarence House Tweeted this picture of Prince Charles working in a bakery and I had to wonder if they are having some financial hardhsips? Nope, it was just future King of England making some pastries during a visit to Reids Bakery in Thurso. You know, getting his hands dirty with actual work is a good look on the new grandpa!
Oprah Winfrey got herself into a hairy situation |
August 5th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey found away to make her lovely lady lumps look normal sized with a fro that is anything but. Lady O is talking about hair in the latest edition of O magazine and what better than to show lots of it. Actually three and a half pounds worth to be exact because that is how much that big wig weighed. I am surprised she was able to keep her head up straight because that is a lot of hair.
Under the Dome gives birth to a powerful episode tonight! |
August 5th, 2013 under Dean Norris, Under The Dome. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 10p on CBS the first baby is born Under the Dome. What comes with life? Death and there will be death, so have the tissues ready because it will be a sad one.
Ollie* (Leon Rippy) is not happy with the little kickbacks that Big Jim (Dean Norris) has given him for his water, so he decides to take what he wants. That will anger Big Jim and you don’t want to piss him off. What will the Selectman do to retaliate?
Then there are the Dundee boys who are causing havoc in Chester’s Mills. Last week (yesterday in the Dome) they killed Rose** (Beth Broderick) and tried to rape Angie (Britt Robertson), and they seem like they are uncontrollable. Will the police finally get hold of them before they kill again? Can Deputy Linda (Natalie Martinez) and Junior (Alexander Koch) arrest them or will the Dundees show them who runs the town now?
Julia’s (Rachelle Lefevre) neighbor goes into early labor and they need to find a doctor to deliver her baby. Alice (Samantha Mathis) is the only person who can do it, but she needs her insulin. Will she be able to deliver the baby or is she too sick to do it?
Finally Norrie (Mackenzie Lintz) and Joe (Colin Ford) find something that could be the power source of the Dome. Is it?
You will just have to tune in to this game changing episode to find out the answers to all of the above.
* In the book Ollie Dinsmore is a 14 year old boy, who loses his whole family after the Dome comes down on Chester’s Mill. He’s not an older man hijacking the town’s water supply. In fact, water was never an issue in the book.
** Rose was one of the very few survivors when the book ends.
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