Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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Stephen Colbert will interview Matt Damon or die trying!
August 9th, 2013 under Comedy Central, Matt Damon. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert went to get a soda from the machine during the show and it feel down on him, crushing him in his nice suit. He screamed for help and Matt Damon rushed in to rescue him. While trying to lift the heavy object off of the conservative anchor, Colbert started asking the Oscar winner some questions about his career and his new movie Elysium that is out now, as blood poured out of him. Did Matt Damon do a Jason Bourne or is Comedy Central looking for his replacement? You will have to watch that video find out.


Jennifer Love Hewitt’s pregnancy boobs are blossoming!
August 9th, 2013 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Jennifer Love Hewitt is pregnant with her first child and to prepare for the upcoming birth she is doing prenatal yoga.
Not only is her belly growing with the baby, so are her boobs. Which I am sure is making a lot of boys very very very excited.


Hey Chris Rock, is that a Pootie Tang in your pants?
August 9th, 2013 under Chris Rock, In Your Pocket?. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Chris Rock was seen walking around in a pair of ADIDAS pants and for some reason all day today I will be dreaming about sex. I don’t know why, but I will be.


Harrison Ford says that Anchorman 2 is ‘clearly unreleasable’
August 9th, 2013 under Harrison Ford, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Harrison Ford was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and the ABC host asked him about being in an upcoming sequel for a very popular movie franchise. No, not Star Wars or Indiana Jones, but Hans Solo thought he was asking about being in Anchorman 2. So he told him he flew “all the way to Atlanta for a day and no money.” So Kimmel asked him if he did it because he loved the original movie and Ford admitted he never saw it. Then he added, “I got down there and I had no idea who those guy were.” And after a pause, he said “I still don’t know who they are or what they think they are doing.” Before concluding with, “It’s clearly unreleasable.” Am I the only person who thinks he is not bullsh!tting us?
Then Kimmel asked him about being in The Expendables 3. He wanted to know if Ford saw the first two films and he was like no. So Kimmel said that he would sum them up for and Ford didn’t really care to find out.
I don’t know if he is being honest about it all or it is just his very dry sense of humor. I like to think it is the first one, what do you think?


Hot Links!
August 8th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is that woman Orlando Bloom is kissing in public? – Dlisted
 RIP Karen Black – Popbytes
 Stacy Keibler goes dark – Celebtzer
Victoria Justin in a short skirt – GCeleb
Sesame Street does Sons of Anarchy! – Rickey
Who got their breast implants out? – Celebslam
When Lindsay Lohan met Shaq – Amy Grindhouse
Mark Wahlberg disses The Lone Ranger – Celebitchy
Jennifer Aniston talks about not being pregnant – Bohomoth

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