Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » July
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BTWF ads: Jesse Eisenberg for Dr Pepper
July 2nd, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jesse Eisenberg was a magician in Now You See Me, he wished he could make himself disappear in a Dr Pepper ad. How cute was the 17 year old in that 2001 commercial.


Big Sean’s mom reads the words to his song Dance (A$$)
July 2nd, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live they introduced a new segment called Words from Your Mother where a Hip Hop Artist/Rapper’s mom reads the lyrics to one of their kid’s songs. Big Sean’s mom got the ball rollin’ reading the first few words to her son’s song Dance (A$$) and I wonder if after he sees that, he’ll think about cleaning up his act? I mean you have to wonder how proud he could be of himself after seeing his sweet looking mom say a$$ that many times in row. I know I would be embarrassed, but then again I am sure he bought her something nice with all the money he has made. At least he better have.
Now when it comes to segment, I really hope the ABC late night show brings this back a lot. I mean who doesn’t love seeing a proper looking woman read the filthy lyrics from their kid’s songs? I know I like it. And maybe JKL will think of expanding to actors, could you imagine Bradley Cooper’s mother reading some of the stuff he said in The Hangover. How f*cing awesome would that be? The names are endless, so I really hope they keep it up.


Sharknado, what else needs to be said!
July 2nd, 2013 under Syfy. [ Comments: none ]

Next Thursday at 9p, Syfy is airing a movie called Sharknado and what more besides the title of it do I have to tell you to make you watch it. Let’s see it about some super tornadoes that suck up a lot of sharks from the Pacific Ocean and drops them down on LA where they cause a lot of havoc and death. Not good enough, how about it stars Tara Reid and Ian Ziering? If that doesn’t have you, then I have a feeling you will be regretting missing out on this instant classic on Friday the 12th when everyone tell you how awesome it is.
Seriously Sharnknado + sharks + tornadoes + Los Angeles + Tara Reid + Ian Ziering + cheesiness = Mega awesomeness!
I honestly don’t know what I would do without Syfy creating these great movies to entertain me almost every week?

UPDATE: Here is a clip from Sharknado that makes me so happy I live in inland and not in Santa Monica!


Is that what Barbie would look like?
July 2nd, 2013 under Barbie, Cool Technology. [ Comments: 2 ]

Ever wonder what Barbie would like if she was crafted like the measurements of the average 19 year old girl? Well according to Daily Mail, Nickolay Lamm did just that when he created a 3-D model of what the popular doll should look like. You know what I like his version of the fashion doll so much better. She looks better with some extra plastic on her body. While I like it, I am sure she wouldn’t and she would be contacting the nearest plastic surgeon to make her look as plastic as she does now.


Free Birds wants a Turkeyless Thanksgiving!
July 2nd, 2013 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for Free Birds and I will be chowing down on this movie when it comes on November 1st like it was drumstick on the last Thursday of November. Even though the purpose of the animated film is to get rid of Turkeys for Thanksgiving.


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