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Enter to win 2 tickets to see Drake live in concert!
July 11th, 2013 under Contests, Drake. [ Comments: none ]

Drake wants to know “Would You Like a Tour?” and I have 2 tickets to give to one lucky winner. All you have to do is email me the answer at [email protected] to “What is the name of his tour?” by July 15th with your full name, email, mailing address, and your choice of city/venue and concert date. One winner will be chosen at random. Only the concert tickets are provided, you will need to provide your own transportation and such.
WOULD YOU LIKE A TOUR? will follow the launch of Drake’s new album NOTHING WAS THE SAME, which continues to generate buzz since the release of the album’s first track “Started From The Bottom.” The hit single burned up the charts and landed in the Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100. Drake has since released two more songs, “5AM in Toronto” and “Girls Love Beyonce,” directly to fans online via
NOTHING WAS THE SAME follows the critically acclaimed and multi-platinum selling TAKE, which earned Drake his first Grammy Award for “Best Rap Album” and debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top 200 chart in 2011. Drake’s full-length album debut, 2010’s THANK ME LATER, also bowed at #1 on the Billboard Top 200 chart week of release and has been certified Platinum by the RIAA. The album earned Drake multiple Grammy nominations, including Best New Artist, Best Rap Album, and Best Rap Solo performance.
Tickets are available now at TicketMaster
To see the dates, then click here!


BTWF roles: Ian Ziering in Terrible Things My Mother Told Me
July 11th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 5:50 in)

Before Ian Ziering was dealing with Sharknado, he was dealing with a mother who was abusing her daughter in Terrible Things My Mother Told Me. How cute was the 23 year old in that 1988 movie.


Hey doctor, Oprah Winfrey’s heart is down lower!
July 11th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey Tweeted the above picture and said, “Just finished my annual checkup Cleveland Clinic. When’s yours?” Only problem is I don’t think most people will be paying attention to her health message as much as they will be checking out her cleavage in the picture. There is a reason why that doctor is smiling like that!


Hollywood Game Night is the show a whole family can enjoy together!
July 11th, 2013 under Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p Hollywood Game Night is coming to NBC and you will want to keep the kids up late so you all can watch this show together. Now if you don’t have kids, then just you and a few friends will want to stay up to watch the show together so that you can play the games from it afterwards. With the help of some alcohol because that is what makes game nights so much better.
So what is Hollywood Game Night? Jane Lynch takes on the role of party host, something that comes very naturally for her. There are two teams of three celebrities and one civilian playing against each other and only one of the non-celebs has the chance of leaving the show $25,000 richer. They play games that you can play with your friends and family over and over again and never get bored. There is a game where you have to name a snack food in a bowl from a picture. Then there is another game where one person has to guess what their teammates are describing and they can only give one word to describe said clue. A fun one is Little Picasso where elementary school kids draw their favorite stars, and the teams have to guess who it is? Fun fact tonight one of the celebrities will see how kids see them. The funnest game for Lynch and can be for you too (but not for me), is where a contestant has to get their teammates to guess the song that they are singing using only the word Do. These are just a few of the exciting games that they will be playing and you will be enjoying later on your own.
But the show is more than that like any game night. There is also the interaction between Lynch and the stars, and the celebrities with each other. For example tonight Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Perry are on the show and they are on opposite teams. Let’s just say they might not be Friends after tonight. Then there is Martin Short being Martin Short. Kristen Bell being cute, just as cute as her competitor Alyson Hannigan. Finally there is Daniel Day Kim, who is surprisingly the best person on his team. You will see your favorite celebrities like you have never seen them before. Having fun, being goofy and doing anything to win. Kind of what they are like when they are not working on the shows we love and the movies we adore them in.
A few weeks ago, I drove to a secret location in the Hollywood Hills to visit the set and play the games with Jane Lynch hosting our mock rounds. The first game I played was where they mashed up a picture of two celebrities faces, who share a same name as one like George Michael Cera. I did good in the round. The next round was the Do game and I don’t want to talk about that round. Finally we played a game where we would have to get our team to guess a show with the least amount of words as possible like “chair” for The Voice. It all sounds easy when I describe it, but when you play it it is a lot harder. And even though I sucked at two of the rounds, I had the most fun I have ever had a set visit. Jane Lynch was warm, entertaining and didn’t make me feel bad for being an idiot. Even though I made it easy for her.
When I left that house that day, I started telling everyone I knew to watch this show. People who don’t watch game shows, people who do and even people who don’t watch TV. I knew right then and there that show was going to be a big summer hit, just like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars were their first season during the summer. That’s because they were family shows just like Hollywood Game Night. And unlike those other two shows, after you watch HGN, you can play the games with them. I am sure Do will become a family favorite in no time. You can play it in the car during long trips and at home for fun. When was the last time you could do that after watching any show on television. That is why folks, I can’t tell you enough how much I love love love Hollywood Game Night and I know you will feel the same way too. I got even more excited for the show after I watched the tonight’s premiere episode because it is even better than I could have dreamed. The games, the interaction and Jane’s hosting make it so much fun and that is what we have been craving from our television shows.
Seriously Hazy Mills Production has yet another hit on their hands. People talk about the success of Shonda Rimes and J.J. Abrams shows, but Hazy Mills has yet to have a show cancelled. In fact Sean Hayes and Todd Milliner have 5 shows either on the air or about to air. Hot In Cleveland is going strong as is it’s spinoff The Soul Man on TV Land, Grimm is one of NBC’s most successful shows, you know how I feel about HGN and Sean Saves the World is a throwback to the NBC comedies from the Must See Thursday days. Seriously they are the production company to watch, since afterall we have been watching their shows and will continue to do so!
So make sure to watch Hollywood Game Night tonight and every Thursday at 10p!


Brian Kilmeade hits Trick Shot Titus in the face with a basketball
July 11th, 2013 under TV News. [ Comments: 2 ]

Fox & Friends is having a bad week; first it was announced that Elisabeth Hasselbeck is joining the show and today co-host Brian Kilmead hit awwwwdorable two year old Trick Shot Titus Ashby in the face with a basketball making the toddler cry. The little boy was showing the viewers how good he is at getting the ball into the basket and the host threw the ball back at him hitting him right in the middle of his face. The sweet kid then grabbed his nose and started to cry as his dad picked him up to make him feel better. Instead of consoling the tyke, Brian just smiled and went on with things as normal. Luckily for him the future NBA player was OK, but if I was Titus’ dad, I would’ve thrown the ball back at Kilmeade as hard as I could for making his son cry.
Seriously shouldn’t Kilmeade have been more remorseful for what he accidentally did? Trick Shot Titus is just a cute kid that everyone loves and Kilmeade is anything but.


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