Justin Timberlake joined the Five Timers Club on Saturday Night Live yesterday and because of that the five-time host was able to go to the most elite club in NYC. So elite there are only a very few group of people that get to appreciate the benefits of the membership. Those that were there to welcome him were Paul Simon, Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Candice Bergen, Alec Baldwin and Tom Hanks. Also there, but working the club because they are not members were Dan Aykroyd as a bartender and Martin Short as a server. How cool was it to see all those greats in one SNL bit? It just makes me sad to think how funny SNL used to be when they were on the show as compared to what it is now.
Time is running out for Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) on tonight’s Once Upon a Time at 8p on ABC and Cora (Barbara Hershey) can’t wait for that to happen. Before we find out what happens to them in the present, we found about their past together. That’s right these two have a past and it explains why Cora is the way she is now.
So back to the present, Emma (Jennifer Morrison), Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) and Bae (Dylan Schmid) are rushing to get Rumplestiltskin back to Storybrook, but will they get there in time? Then there is Cora and Regina (Lana Parrilla) who want his dark power and will do anything to get it. Finally Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) are looking for a way to stop Cora before she destroys Storybrook. Who will win and who will die? I won’t tell you how this story ends tonight, so you are going to have to watch to find out.
Army Wives is back on Lifetime tonight at 9p and it picks up exactly where it left off. Lieutenant General Holden is on the phone receiving the bad news and we find out who died. We will find out who survived that fateful plane ride. I won’t tell you anymore, but I will tell you have the tissues ready because you are so going to need them.
Steve Martin Tweeted this awesome picture of him with Chevy Chase, Paul Simon, Lorne Michaels, Dan Aykroyd, Martin Short and Tom Hanks, and said “Where are they now? Why, right here.” Where is here? We just have to assume that it is a Retirement Home where all the greats go when it is there time. Not that any of them are close to being there.
And since they are not, how cool would it be if they all did a movie together. It’s about time The Three Amigos got a sequel, right?
Sarah Jessica Parker sat down with Net-A-Porter magazine and told them her feet are snobs thanks to years of being on Sex and the City.
“For ten or so years, I literally ran in heels. I worked 18-hour days and never took them off. I wore beautiful shoes, some better made than others, and never complained. But then I did I Don’t Know How She Does It, and I was very thoughtful about my whole wardrobe and said, you know, [Kate Reddy] could not afford really good footwear. So I got [lower priced] shoes and the bottoms weren’t leather, they were plastic, so I slipped a couple times, twisted my ankle. I went to a foot doctor and he said, ‘Your foot does things it shouldn’t be able to do. That bone there… You’ve created that bone. It doesn’t belong there.’ The moral of the story is, the chickens are coming home to roost. It’s sad, because my feet took me all over the world, but eventually they were like, ‘You know what, we are really tired, can you just stop – and don’t put cheap shoes on us?'”
I don’t know who needs to get over themselves more, her or her feet? I am saying she does because she also told the magazine that it’s “odd” to see AnnaSophia Robb play Carrie Bradshaw in The Carrie Diaries. She probably feels that way because the much younger actress is so much more likable than she is.