Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Time for Cora’s fairy tale to be told on Once Upon a Time
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[ # ] Time for Cora’s fairy tale to be told on Once Upon a Time
March 10th, 2013 under ABC

Time is running out for Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) on tonight’s Once Upon a Time at 8p on ABC and Cora (Barbara Hershey) can’t wait for that to happen. Before we find out what happens to them in the present, we found about their past together. That’s right these two have a past and it explains why Cora is the way she is now.
So back to the present, Emma (Jennifer Morrison), Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) and Bae (Dylan Schmid) are rushing to get Rumplestiltskin back to Storybrook, but will they get there in time? Then there is Cora and Regina (Lana Parrilla) who want his dark power and will do anything to get it. Finally Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) are looking for a way to stop Cora before she destroys Storybrook. Who will win and who will die? I won’t tell you how this story ends tonight, so you are going to have to watch to find out.


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