Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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Hot Links!
March 21st, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

You'll never guess who that is? – Dlisted
WTF is Miley Cyrus doing? – Rickey
Olivia Wilde in a very see-thru shirt – GCeleb
Christina Aguilera got a new look! – Celebitchy
Whose tour bus did they find drugs on? – Bohomoth
Who's taking a break from acting? – Amy Grindhouse
Who was caught picking their nose? – Whitney Jefferson
Which Jonas Brother might have a sex tape? – StarCrush

Even the car has eyes for John Stamos!
March 21st, 2013 under Full House, John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]

John Stamos Tweeted the above picture from the set of his pilot I Am Victor and I really hope the show gets picked up. Not because it might be good but because they know how to make him look even sexier than he already does. Hubba hubba!


BTWF roles: Elle Fanning in I am Sam
March 21st, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Dakota and Elle Fanning. [ Comments: none ]

Before we knew that Elle Fanning was Dakota’s younger sister, she was playing the younger version of her sister in I am Sam. How absolutely awwwwdorable is the 2 year old in that 2001 movie.


Would you watch the Bachelor Cruise?
March 21st, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, The Bachelor. [ Comments: none ]

A few days ago The Bachelor(ette) EP Mike Fleiss announced that ABC is not doing a Bachelor Pad this summer, so Jimmy Kimmel Live came up with an alternative for the network. Instead of letting the former Bachelor(ette) contestants live the life of luxury in a nice house, how about putting them on a cruise. I think it’s great idea and I would totally watch. Especially if there is an iceberg in their path. The Bachelor Cruise will put the t!t in Titanic!


The human axe
March 21st, 2013 under Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

via Tosh.O
There is a man who likes to chop down trees with only his body and I want to know what he does when he gets a splinter or better yet a woody. Seriously man invented an axe for a reason and that reason is because why should hurt yourself trying to knock them down with your shoulders, hands and feet if you don’t have to.
Am I the only who is disappointed that none of the trees fell on him?
Finally can someone rent this guy The Happening, I think that movie will get him to stop hurting innocent trees. Either that or my plan will backfire and he will go after even more trees, but at least he would’ve suffered before he did that. Have you see that film, it was pain-and-ful.


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