Billy Connolly was on Conan yesterday and told Conan O’Brien one hell of a story. Back in the ’60s when Connolly was at a party he really wanted to get high with some good hashish, but there were no rolling papers for him to put it in. So he went looking around the place and nothing was to be found. Then he remembered in a prison movie, he saw a guy use pages from a Bible and he thought that was a great idea. So he asked the home owner if he had one and he did. So a few pages from Revelations later, he was getting high and being damned to hell.
So what was his excuse, it was the ’60s. Dang I wish I was a teenager back then. Boy do I feel like I missed out on some really groovy times by being not being born in that era.
Before Charlie Sheen was a bad influence on Angus T Jones on Two and a Half Men, David Arquette was one in See Spot Run. How cute was the 7 year old in that 2001 movie.