I don’t remember the last time I saw Freddie Prinze Jr, that is until now because the paps caught him picking up his daughter Charlotte yesterday. The 36 year old is looking good. In fact I think the DILF looks even hotter now that he has salt and pepper hair! We need to get him back on TV ASAP.
Tonight at 9p on CBS CSI: NY is doing something very few shows have done before. The first half hour there are no words spoken, but you will hear the music of Green Day help tell the story.
Lindsay takes her daughter to a political rally and someone shoots at the candidate. She sees the shooter, and as she down on the ground protecting her daughter an ice cream cart hits her in the head knocking her out. The shooter gets away and he chased by other cops on the scene. He goes into an alley and drops the gun into a dumpster. A little boy takes out the pistol and he accidentally shoots his friend. Now both the little girl’s life and Lindsay’s life are in peril. We will find out one of their fates in a text and the other one will be spoken aloud. Once we hear everyone talking again, the team will go into full force finding out who fired the gun and why they did it.
The first half hour of this episode is extremely powerful because of the music and the second part is equally as good because of the reason why he did it. So tune in for an hour unlike anything you have seen in a long time.
As we all know the United State Postal Service is having some financial difficulties because people aren’t sending mail like they used to. So they have come up with an interesting way to raise the money they so desperately need. According to the commercial that aired on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday, we will only pay for the mail that we want. Of course it will cost more than the price of a stamp, a sh!tload more. But a dying company has to do what it has to do. I have a feeling within days after this method goes into effect, they will be out of debt and way in the black. So much so they could probably take over the world. Yes it would be nice to say sorry I didn’t get that invite to that wedding you don’t want to go to, but what about those medical test results your doctor forgot to call you about. I mean the plan is seriously ingenious. I am going to start selling body parts to save up money to get my mail. What will you do to get the money to pay your mailman?
Jeff Goldblum was a guest on Conan and he told Conan O’Brien he is starting to lose his hair. But wait he appears to have a thick head of beautiful hair. That’s because he isn’t balding up there, but down there…on his calves. So he decided to show off his sexy leg for the world to see how bald it is becoming. The TBS late night host couldn’t help but notice the difference in color of their two legs and asked for a side by side comparison. Once The Fly’s leg was on top of his, Goldblum did something that made the red head afraid, very afraid. He appeared to grab his crotch and I can’t help but to think that both of them liked it from their reactions. What do you think happened in that split second?
Tom Hanks was a guest on Good Morning America this morning talking about his new movie Cloud Atlas. Liz Vargas asked him to do one of the characters from the movie and he said it is hard because he mostly says swear words. She said if he said it in the accent… So he went ahead and did the voice and the word f*cking came out of his mouth on live television. He was extremely apologetic (and freaking awwwwdorable) for letting it slip, but I can’t help to think that she asked for it. Tell me I am not alone with that conclusion. Hanks felts so bad about the slip even after the show that he Tweeted this “For GMA, spesh kowtow for Lizzie V for WHAT DID I JUST SAY??? Oops! In character! Sorry! Hanx” You have nothing to be sorry for, it is just a word that we all say!