Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » September
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NCIS picks up the pieces tonight.
September 25th, 2012 under CBS, NCIS. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 8p NCIS is back for its 10th season on CBS and it picks up shortly after their offices were blown up. We get to see who made it out of the building alive and who didn’t. Ziva and DiNozzo are still stuck in the elevator, and with all the debris around them will anyone even know they are in there. Then there was Ducky, who wasn’t even in the building at the time, and last time we saw him he suffered what looked like a heart attack on the beach outside Jimmy’s wedding. Was season 9 his last or is he back for 10th one?
Once we get all of those answers we skip ahead a few weeks and we learn that Gibbs has a good lead to where Dearing is. Now the NCIS team will do everything they can to stop him, but is he smart enough to elude them once again? All I will say is there is another explosion and not everything is at seems.
I will also tell you one more thing Gibbs will do something that you never expect him to do and it will be interesting to see how that changes things for the #1 show on TV. I guess we will just have to tune in to find out every Tuesday.


Big Ang’s boobs are as lethal as well, you know!
September 25th, 2012 under VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

Big Ang was on The Wendy Williams Show and she told the daytime talk show host how her boobs have killed before. Big Ang was on vacation in upstate NY in an area that is known for having bats. She explained she was standing outside a restaurant when something hit her in the chest. She didn’t know what it was until she looked down and saw a dead bat at her feet. Instead of feeling proud of what her chest had done, she felt bad that she killed a living thing. I wonder if she tells guys that story before she allows them to t!tty f*ck her. You know in a way her t!ts should come with a warning like, “Buyer beware: The girls have killed in the past and I have no control of their actions. So enter at your own risk.”
BTW am I the only one would love to see Big Ang and Wendy Williams have a show together? I think would be craycray.


Some post-Emmy highlights for Jimmy Kimmel!
September 25th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday was Jimmy Kimmel’s first JKL after hosting the Emmys and he decided to share some behind the scenes moment from Television’s biggest night. He showed us how the Emmy’s longest bathroom joke came about and the women all let us know how much they loved punching him the face to fix his botched Botox!

And it wouldn’t be an awards show without Guillermo getting drunk with the attendees. So our favorite security guard interviewed the winners and downed some Mexican water with them. The best part is when he talks to Louis CK and asks him how to spell his name.

Besides having his staff’s tales from the big night, he also had two losers from the night show. Kimmel revealed how Julianna Margulies reacted when she heard Claire Dains name called instead of hers. Let’s just say The Good Wife is good at being bad! And on that note, what about the TV husband who beat out the TV love of his life for a second time? Jesse Tyler Ferguson has had enough of the straight actor playing his partner winning over him, so he has come up with attack ad that will guarantee that Ed O’Neill will win next year.


Steve Martin’s favorite moment on David Letterman is also mine!
September 25th, 2012 under David Letterman, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin was on The Late Show yesterday to promote the DVD release of Steve Martin: The Television Stuff. The collection has some of his best moments of being on television for the last 40 years. Since he is a favorite on the CBS late night talk show, the Wild and Crazy Guy decided to share one of his most favorite appearances on the show. I know David Letterman thought it was stupid, but I thought it was brilliant. So watch it to see why I love it and gap-toothed didn’t!


Hot Links!
September 24th, 2012 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is pre-wax? – Dlisted
Emmy's ugliest dressed – Celebitchy
Kanye West has multiple ones – Rickey
Who is piling on the pounds? – Yeeeah!
 Eva Longoria gets sexy with food – GCeleb
Lindsay Lohan hospitalized – Amy Grindhouse
A couple that dresses together… – Popoholic

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