Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » September
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Selena Gomez says she will never do Ellen again!
September 28th, 2012 under Disney Kids, Selena Gomez. [ Comments: none ]

Selena Gomez was on Ellen and Ellen DeGeneres scared her not once, but twice. Granted the first time was better, the second one was almost as much as fun. I love the way that Ellen scares her guest, but she should be careful because one day someone is going to get her back.


We’ve totally be saying Jake Gyllenhaal’s name wrong
September 28th, 2012 under Jake Gyllenhaal. [ Comments: none ]

For years I have been proud of myself thinking that Jake Gyllenhaal’s name was pronounce Jill-in-hall, but I have been completely wrong. Yesterday he told Conan O’Brien on his TBS late night show the correct way to say and I am sticking with my pronunciation. I mean can anyone who hasn’t worked in Ikea say it correctly? You try and let me know!


Just die already!
September 28th, 2012 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

For some reason the greatest death in cinematic history has just be released on to YouTube and I am so happy it was unearthed almost 40 years later! I mean how awesome is it when the guy just won’t die in Kareteci Kız (Karate Girl) and he screams every time he is shot. Part of me wants him to die, but the other part of me can watch that for hours and hours. It is even better than when Brad Pitt met his maker (aka two cars) in Meet Joe Black.


Hot Links!
September 27th, 2012 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess whose ugly leg? – Dlisted
Katie Holmes shows off a lot skin – GCeleb
 Is Beyonce pregnant with baby #2? – Amy Grindhouse
Kirstie Alley without makeup is not for the sighted – Celebslam
Once Upon a Time there was Sleeping Beauty and Mulan! – Rickey
Hey St Jude and all-star tribute to St Jude! – Hollywood Backwash
When was the last time Kristen Stewart washed her hair? – Celebitchy

Does Paris Hilton even have a spine?
September 27th, 2012 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Flynet
Paris Hilton was seen window shopping and all I could notice was how she was standing. Why is she standing with her back bent back the way it is. Not only does it make her look 9 months pregnant, it also makes her look extremely flat chested.
Oh and when it comes to that big black floppy hat, doesn’t it make her look a witch. At least that is something positive.


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