Mark Steines the Entertainment Tonight host who is as interesting as watching paint dry and as white as Wonder Bread, is leaving the show. A rep told The New York Post he is leaving to “pursue other opportunities at the end of his contract. He has been a beloved member of ‘ET’ for 17 years, and we fully support his decision.†Yeah, who really believes he is leaving on his own? Now that ET finally got rid of Mary Hart last year and replaced her with the much much younger Nancy O’Dell, it was about time they got rid of the boring Steines. Seriously did anyone even know he was still on the show? Better yet did anyone even know he was on it?
Tim Tebow held a press conference today to tell the world that he is excited to play for the NY Jets. You know how I know he is excited about it? He said the word 45 times during the 33 minute presser. That is once every :44 seconds. That is a lot of excitement.
BTW I wasn’t sure if you heard, but Tim Tebow is excited to play for the Jets.
Before Jorge Garcia was being chased by the unknown in Lost, he was being chased by an unknown person in Raven’s Ridge. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1997 movie.
General Hospital made a huge deal about killing off fan favorite Robin Scorpio because Kimberly McCullough was leaving the show to direct. Well after upsetting fans, like me, by killing her off in a stupid explosion; they decided that she isn’t really dead but somehow in recovering in an undisclosed location.
Seriously? Seriously? Seriously GH I am done with you. You are not making a case for being the only surviving soap on ABC by pulling asinine stunts like this.