Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » January
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Words of Wizdumb by Eric Stonestreet
January 30th, 2012 under Modern Family, Words of Wizdumb. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Sofia Vergara’s Twitter)

Fart jokes are always suppose to be funny, but Eric Stonestreet negates that saying in under 140 characters on Twitter. The Modern Family Emmy winner Tweeted these Words of Wizdumb after the cast won the Best Comedy Ensemble at the SAG Awards yesterday, “I think what would surprise most people at award show parties is the sheer amount of farting I’m doing while talking to famous people.” I might not nose what those famous people are thinking, but I think we can all agree that they know exactly what Fizbo the Clown is doing. Could be why he wasn’t an individual award since that Emmy? He left a bad taste and smell with the voters?


This is how Charlie Sheen robes
January 30th, 2012 under Charlie Sheen. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
We all know that Charlie Sheen marches to the beat of his own drum, so why does it surprise that he showed up to work on his new show FX Anger Management in just a robe, slippers and a cigarette. Although now that I think about it, why should I expect any less from the Winning man?


Nic Cage’s Face/Off with himself
January 30th, 2012 under Nicolas Cage. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Nic Cage was given a wax statue of his likeness at Musee Grevin in Paris, France and he had the same reaction as I did when he saw it. That human sized candle looks nothing like him. I don’t know who it looks like, but it is definitely not the Ghost Rider.


Guess who puts the hot into that hot pink dress?
January 30th, 2012 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who was asked if she was wearing underwear on the red carpet then click here!


Oh yeah, chick chicka chicka! Ferris Bueller is back!
January 30th, 2012 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]

Last week we were teased with the Super Bowl ad featuring Ferris Bueller and today we are seeing the full length commercial with Bueller as Matthew Broderick. The actor slipped back into the role that made infamous for the new Honda CR-V and it is all types of awesomeness. Yes it would have been better if Rooney played his agent, Cameron and Sloane were involved somehow, his mother (who looks better now) was the one talking on the phone to him in the car and Charlie Sheen played the valet, but it was still pretty freaking incredible especially the ending.
Honda says that there are at least two dozen references to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in the commercial, see how many you can get and list them in the comments?
BTW I faster believe that Matthew Broderick would drive a Honda CR-V anywhere in the world than I would believe J-Lo Fiat in The Bronx or anywhere else.
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