Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » July
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Do Henry Winkler and Tony Danza have something to tell us?
July 7th, 2011 under Do they have something to tell us?, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler and Tony Danza met up on the red carpet at the Zookeeper premiere and I wonder if the two of them have something to tell us? Nope, it is just two old friends saying hi to eachother, but for a second I enjoyed picturing The Fonz and Tony Banta Micelli getting their own special sitcom together.


The Black Eyed Peas can get enough…for now
July 7th, 2011 under Black Eyed Peas. [ Comments: none ] announced some big news for The Black Eyed Peas on Twitter and I am not happy about it. He said, “The @Bep will take a break after the beginning…just like we did from monkey business to the e.n.d…but it doesn’t mean we stop creating” I really hope it is a just a break and that during their time off they don’t break up. Say what you will about them, but they really do come up with some catchy happy music.


A Footloose flash mob at a Kenny Loggins concert!!!
July 7th, 2011 under Flash Mobs, Music. [ Comments: none ]

We have seen flash mobs all over the world, at malls, at train stations, at beaches and we have even seen a show dedicated to one each episode, but I don’t think we have ever seen one at a concert until now. Yesterday while Kenny Loggins was performing in Ashland, KY a group of people, who will be performing the musical Footloose in August, did a flash mob during his show when he sang the song of the same title. I don’t think I have ever seen one at a concert before, but I wish they would happen more often because it really is the best place to do one in my opinion.
And I am not the only one who thought it was a great idea because Kenny Loggins asked his fans on Twitter to send him video of it. You know since he missed out on it because he was on stage singing the song and all. Well one fan responded and said, “our son was a ‘flash mob’ kid Enjoyed show!” along with the above video. The proud mamma son was in the center with the purple bandana and she has every reason to be proud of him!!!
On a side if you ever get a chance to see Loggins live, do it because it is a really awesome show!!!


Hot Links!
July 6th, 2011 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is wearing short shorts? – Dlisted
Travis Barker and his cute mini-mes! – ICYDK
An interesting jail break attempt – Tabloid Prodigy
What did Natalie Portman name her son? – PopBytes
Is a Twilight star's marriage in trouble? – Celebitchy
How much will Maria Shriver get in the divorce!!! – Yeeeah!
Which fired actor might be back on the show that let him go? – Rickey

And the new Office manager is…
July 6th, 2011 under James Spader, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

When Steve Carrell announced that he was leaving The Office, people wondered who could they possibly get to replace him that would be just as good. Well the NBC did that (and I think even more so) by hiring James Spader to join the show. Paul Lieberstein, one of the series’ executive producers and a series regular said, “He’ll have been hired over the summer as the new manager, but within hours, got himself promoted. Within days, he took over the company. James has an energy that is completely his own, and ‘The Office’ has no tools for dealing with this guy. We’re thrilled he’s joining our cast.” And we are thrilled he is joining the show.
He is definitely the perfect choice and it will be interesting to see what he will do with the role. In fact I love him so much so I might even start watching the show now.


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