Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » July
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Want to hear who won’t be back for season 4 of Glee?
July 13th, 2011 under Glee. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Fox)

Season 3 of Glee is still two months away from premiering, and that isn’t stopping Ryan Murphy from telling The Hollywood Reporter who won’t be back for the 4th one.
The show creator has already said that the senior class would be graduating and if you were like me you thought that meant that all of the New Directions would be leaving. Well turns out only three of the originals will not be back. Those three cast members are Lea Michele, Cory Monteith and Chris Colfer.
I have to say I don’t mind two of them leaving because I am sick of the same story every week for Kurt. It was good for a few episodes, but got repetitive as it continued to play out throughout the whole season. When it comes to Rachel I am not sure if it was her character on the show or the one rumored about her outside of the show, but I just can’t stand her. Now Finn, that upsets me because I really like him on the show.
What doesn’t make sense about the departures to me is if Puck is best friends with Finn and Quinn dated him doesn’t that mean they should also be seniors? Just saying.
Well Murphy added that will all be explained in the season premiere on Fox.
He also said that the departures were planned with two of the actors, “We made that decision and I involved Chris and Lea and they thought that was a good idea. They both trust the writing and trust me and felt that it would be great to have an open and closed experience for them to go out while they were on top.”
But he did a beyond a$$hole thing to Cory because he told THR he has yet to tell him the news by saying, “I didn’t talk to Cory about it. I presume he knows. He knows he was a sophomore when the show started.” So basically he is going to find out via the article. That karma is going to bite the producer in the a$$ as it should.
Now when it comes to the future of the three actors here is what I predict will happen to them. Lea will obviously go back to Broadway and will stay there for the rest of career. I think Chris became too typecast as Kurt and will struggle to find work, but he will be OK living off the residuals of Glee and conventions. Now when it comes to Cory, I think he will finally have time to do features and make a real name for himself in movies. Unless he gets another series because he has the acting chops and looks to have a long career. And I hope he does as a big f*ck you for Ryan Murphy for firing him through the press and not in person. Grow some balls man.
What do you think of who the three who will be graduating and what do you think will happen to the actors who play them?

UPDATE: I can totally see Glee considering getting Rebecca Black to be the new Lea Michele on the show.

UPDATE 2: Lea Michele confirmed her news on Twitter by saying, “We always knew we’d graduate in real time. It’s all part of the plan and it’s all good! It’s going to make Season 3 amazing!!! To Gleeks everywhere, you’re in my heart now and forever. Love u all!!! This is just the beginning!!”

UPDATE 3: The full interview that Ryan Murphy did with The Hollywood Reporter is now online and who knows if he even knows what he has planned for season 3, season 4 and his actors.


BTWF stand up: Roseanne Barr in Phoenix
July 13th, 2011 under Before They Were Famous, Roseanne. [ Comments: none ]

Before Roseanne Barr was making millions people laugh once a week on Roseanne, she was doing it via much more intimate ways at comedy clubs around the country. How funny is the 31 year old comedian during that 1984 stand up routine? It is obvious then, why she got her own television show just 4 years later!!!


Rescue Me’s flame starts to go out tonight!
July 13th, 2011 under Denis Leary. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight’s season premiere of Rescue Me on FX at 10p is bittersweet. I am so happy that the show is finally back, but I am sad because it is the last season premiere because this is the final season.
Rescue Me has been one of the best written and acted shows on television and tonight it has one upped itself. The show starts off with a pregnancy and an engagement and those events will change everyone’s lives. The Gavin Family has come up with another original way to combat their alcoholism, but in true Gavin way it will fail big time. While things are heating up all around in their personal lives, the one place it hasn’t is via fires and that has the firehouse going crazy with nothing to do.
Being the 9 final episodes of the show, some faces you didn’t expect to return will be back because Tommy Gavin has a way of making that work out. It is good to see them back on the show even it is one of their last appearances.
I am truly sad to see this show go, but I know it will go out in the best way possible. So whether you have watched the show from day one or this will be the first time you have ever watched it, make sure to add it to your viewing pleasure tonight and every Wednesday at 10p because you will be as enamored with this show as I am.


Sophia Bush goes from One Tree Hill wife to Mob Wives!
July 13th, 2011 under One Tree Hill, Sophia Bush. [ Comments: none ]

This is the last season of One Tree Hill coming up, so Sophia Bush is going to need a new job and it looks like she has already found one. FunnyorDie has a preview of her in Mob Wives along with Desperate Housewives’ Drea de Matteo and it looks like she has another hit (no pun intended) on her hands. It is a role unlike anything we have seen her do before and I think it is her best one yet. Who knew she would make such a great mob wife because it is so opposite of Brooke Davis. It was so not a dis-ass-ter!


Roseanne’s Nuts and so are Dance Moms!!!
July 13th, 2011 under Dance Moms, Lifetime, Roseanne. [ Comments: 1 ]

Roseanne is back on TV every week on Lifetime Mondays at 9p in Roseanne’s Nuts. Instead of it being a scripted and groundbreaking sitcom, it is a nutty reality show about her. The comedian has left LA and moved to Hawaii where she lives on a farm that grows macadamia nuts. Which is appropriate because it is a lot like what a lot of people think about her.
And the show starts off proving what we think about her as she does a Sarah Palin. She has a pigs that have her invaded her 40-acre farm and she is chasing them off with a gun. That is just the beginning of her nuttiness and each week we will see her get nuttier and nuttier in back to back and I can’t wait to watch it happen.

Then at 10p we get to see moms in action that seem to make Roseanne look sane in Dance Moms. Several moms want their daughters to be dancers and have signed them up for the Abby Lee Dance Company and she feeds in to their hunger as much as she satisfies her own.
These young girls who aren’t even double-digits old are learning how to dance and listening to their moms talk about why they are going through the grueling classes makes you think they are living vicariously through their daughters. As a viewer I was shocked to hear how much they wanted their little girls to do this at the cost of their social lives and youth. As an example one little girl is so sick that she is crying in pain and her mom tells her you have never missed class so why start now, and she goes back to the lessons. In fact the teacher called her out and said to her I know you don’t feel well, so suck it up. She is just a little girl, how can they put dance before her health and well being. But that is just my perception what motherhood and coaching should be about.
Now when it comes to Abby Lee Miller, I wonder if she forgets that she is working with kids. She seems to put them through rigorous training, you would think they were Broadway dancers. She yells at them and I think pushes them further than any elementary school kid should be pushed. Plus you never once see her dance and that could be because I think she looks like she weighs as much as all the little girls put together. To me if she is so great, why have I never heard of her or seen any of her past students on Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance or America’s Got Talent? Just saying.
The first episode deals with these poor little girls having only a week to learn a routine that they will be performing in a competition. So you really get to see what they have endure and it is startling.
As disgusting as I think the show is, I couldn’t stop watching it. There is something strangely addictive about it and interesting to watch even though it seems shocking. So tune in to this show at 10p for an hour of entertainment that will leave you dancing on a thin line between love and hate.


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