Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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Ashlee and Jessica Simpson are breast friends!
September 8th, 2010 under Fall Out Boy/ Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Ashlee Simpson attended her sister Jessica Simpson’s Show Me Your Blues Jeanswear Launch Event and the two girls hugged for the camera. But I have to ask what is up with the way they were hugging breast-to-breast like that?
I am sure it is a turn on for you guys that are into that sort of thing, but for me it is kind of weird!


Is Tom Cruise pregnant?
September 8th, 2010 under Do they have something to tell us?, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Tom Cruise went to the premiere of his wife’s new movie The Romantics yesterday and the way Katie Holmes keeps touching his belly I wonder if they have something to tell us? Seriously is she trying to share the news with us that Suri is going to be a big sister and this time the Rain Man star in the mother?


Lea Michele is a crappy poser
September 8th, 2010 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: 2 ]

Lea Michele attended the premiere party for the second season of Glee and she looked really awkward posing for the cameras? What is up with her poses? They are just so unnatural and unflattering to me.
BTW I think she also needs to stop going to same tanning salon as the people from Jersey Shore.


Piers Morgan is the new Larry King
September 8th, 2010 under Piers Morgan, TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Finally after months of speculating that Piers Morgan would replace Larry King, CNN has finally confirmed the news. The 45 year judge on America’s Got Talent said, “I have watched ‘Larry King Live’ for much of the last 25 years, and dreamed of one day filling the legendary suspenders of the man I consider to be the greatest TV interviewer of them all.” We shall see if he can live up to what Larry King has created, but for some reason I highly doubt it.
I personally think CNN made a huge mistake (almost as big as letting Larry King go, but not as big as hiring the NY governor who had to resign because he was paying for sex.) because Piers is neither known or revered in this country as he is in The UK. But then again CNN did have success hiring another reality host…Anderson Cooper, but he was an American legacy because most of his viewers wore his mother’s jeans.
Now back to Piers, I like him on AGT when he is being real but when he puts on his version of the Simon Cowell act he annoys me. I also liked him on Celebrity Apprentice, but as a serious news journalist I don’t see it. The other advantage Larry King has over Piers is contacts, who does Piers know? That was something he made clear on CA, he doesn’t really know anyone in America. I mean how many times can he have Cowell, Donald Trump, Sharon Osbourne and Nick Cannon on the show before we get bored?
So with Piers taking over for Larry King and not having his connections, where will the celebs go when a legend dies? You know they always used to go to LKL, and I don’t see them going to Piers new show so where will they go? So whose show will now be the go-to show?
The only place I can see Piers’ show going is down the tubes with Spitzer and Parker. Does anyone even remember when CNN was the most watchable news network? I sure as heck don’t.


Hot Links!
September 7th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Who is lifting their skirt? – Agent Bedhead
Who is afraid of the dark? – Popbytes
Who is covered in meat? – Amy Grindhouse
Who is leaving Saturday Night Live? – ICYDK
Who threw their dog's balls into a fire? – Dlisted
Who dresses Leighton Meester? – Bricks and Stones
Whose phone number was posted on Facebook? – Farandulista


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