Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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Own The League S1 and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia S5 now!
September 14th, 2010 under DVD, FX. [ Comments: none ]

Before The League and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia debut their new season’s on FX this Thursday at 10p, you can own last season on DVD now. Each DVD and Blu-ray set includes several special features that are as funny as the season itself.

The special features on The League’s DVD and Blu-ray are:
Blooper Reel
Deleted Scenes
Alt Nation
Three Penis Wine
Vaginal Hubris extended
Birthday Song
Legalize Kevin’s Pubic Smoke
Mr. McGibblets Fun House and Dojo
Andre: Dress with Style, Win with Style

The League’s bloopers, deleted scenes and a compilation of improved jokes will have you in hysterics, and the full versions of Jon Lajoie’s songs will have you in stitches. Plus you have all of the episodes to re-watch and re-laugh with over and over and over again!

The special features on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia DVD and Blu-ray are:
Commentary on several episodes
Season 5 Blooper Reel
Deleted and Extended Scenes
Kitten Mittens Endless Loop
The Gang’s Dating Profile
Schwep Dream Sequence

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia or where ever you are after you watch the Kitten Mitten Endless Loop! I am seriously bummed that they didn’t come with the DVD because I so want a set for my cat. Now forgetting all that cuteness let’s talk a show that is the opposite of cute, but that is what makes it work. So imagine how much fun it is to see when things don’t work for the cast and they suffer a blooper or scenes that didn’t work for the episode. Plus it is fun to see their dating profile, who else besides me is surprised they date at all? If you watch the show, you so know what I mean. Another fun feature on the DVD and Blu-ray is being able to watch the episodes as the cast talk about it. Did I mention the awwwdorable and addictive Kitten Mittens Endless Loop special feature?
Both seasons are a must own, and both are very reasonably priced so buy them now because they will make your day more Sunny!


BTWF roles: Bethany Joy Galeotti in Thinner
September 14th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, One Tree Hill. [ Comments: none ]

Before Bethany Joy Galeotti was a teenager in One Tree Hill, she was one in Thinner. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 14 in that 1996 movie.


Make Hellcats your weekly routine!
September 14th, 2010 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

I will make it no secret that The CW’s Hellcats is my favorite new show of the fall season and a big reason is because I love that they are going to be doing cheer routines in every episode! Above is the one we are going to see on tomorrow’s episode at 9p. As exciting as it is to watch on the small screen, imagine how much better it will be to watch on the big screen. Besides a great cheer routine in every episode, there are plenty of great storylines to keep you interested and plenty of eye candy to be easy on your eyes as you watch the stories play out. Talking about eye candy, coming up next Wednesday Queer As Folk’s Gale Harold makes his debut on the show as Marti’s law teacher! Maybe if we are really lucky we can see him short shorts doing a cheer, is that too much to ask for?


Is there a new member on Jersey Shore?
September 14th, 2010 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ryan Seacrest Tweeted the above picture of him with Snooki, The Situation and Ronnie and all I could think is how much he looks like a Jersey Shorer. Seriously with the over-tanned skin, the spiky hair, his muscles and his over-all style, he could move right in to their house and they would think he has always lived on the Jersey Shore with them. Only problem is he 10 years older than them, so that might be a problem. But then again he can bring over all wanna-be American Idol contestants to party with all of them!
OK let’s rally to get him on MTV’s Jersey Shore, I am sure he has enough free time on his hands to do the show in between everything he else he does?


How Taylor Swift’s song to Kanye West should’ve gone!
September 14th, 2010 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch, Jimmy Kimmel, Kanye West. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you were very disappointed in Taylor Swift’s song to Kanye West at the VMAs because it was a little too nice. Well the writers at Jimmy Kimmel Live, redid it and now we can enjoy how the song should have been done! She really showed Kanye in that version of the song!
BTW that was not the only reveal on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday, David Hasselhoff debuted the trailer to his new Animal Planet show Hoff the Map! I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to watch that show when it debuts.
I also can’t wait to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight on ABC at 12:06a when Brandon Flowers makes his solo singing debut on the show and Thursday when Jimmy confronts Ben Affleck about Jon Hamm!


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