Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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BTWF roles: Blair Underwood in The Cosby Show
September 20th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 6:00 in)

Before Blair Underwood was the President of the United States in The Event, he was just a high school student on The Cosby Show. The 21 year old actor looks so young in that 1985 episode.


Justin Bieber breaks another girl’s heart
September 20th, 2010 under Justin Bieber. [ Comments: none ]

via Ryan Seacrest
Justin Bieber has a way with the girls and when I say girls I mean the ones under 5. Poor 4 year old Madison started crying when she saw her favorite singer kissing another girl in one of his music videos. But she wasn’t the first toddler to lose it over Bieber fever, 3 year old Cody was also upset but she was crying because she didn’t get to watch the Baby singer all day long.
Seriously what is it about Justin that makes little girls cry? In a way it is kind of mean, although the girls are very cute as they show off their love for their #1 man.


Can Jennifer Garner and Seraphina be any cuter?
September 20th, 2010 under Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Seriously how sweet is Jennifer Garner with her 20 month old daughter Seraphina? Didn’t they just give you a cavity?


OK GOes to the dogs!
September 20th, 2010 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since we were introduced to OK Go when they did little music video with some treadmills they have continued to top themselves with each new song and Here It Goes Again with their new video for White Knuckles. The four men decided to introduce some four-legged best friends to their madness and they really threw us a bone with this one. How arfdorable was it to see the pups play perfectly with the band? Seriously I can watch the video over and over again, just like all their other ones.


Imagine Goodfellas with Tom Cruise and Madonna
September 20th, 2010 under Madonna, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Can you picture Goodfellas starring Tom Cruise and Madonna as compared to Ray Liotta and Lorriane Bracco? Well if the producers would have gotten who they originally wanted in the roles it would have been a completely different movie. According to The NY Post Irwin Winkler told GQ, “‘Tom Cruise was discussed. Marty [Scorsese, director] wanted Ray [Liotta]. Frankly I thought we could do a lot better,’ he said. But Ray’s determination eventually won them over, ‘My wife [and I] were having dinner one night in a restaurant and lo and behold, Ray Liotta came over to me. He said, ‘Look, I know you don’t really want me for it, but…’ And he sold me on the role right that evening. As for Madonna, producer Barbara de Fina remembers, ‘Madonna seemed to be in the mix. I remember that we went to see her in the play Speed-the-Plow. Marty said hello to her afterwards. Can you imagine? Tom Cruise and Madonna? But Marty can get a performance out of almost anyone.'” I have never seen Goodfellas and even I know they would be a bad choice for the roles. Almost as bad as if Bette Midler and Eddie Murphy were actually cast in Driving in Miss Daisy as the studio executives wanted.
BTW I wonder if Madonna and Cruise would have made the movie together, if they would have hooked up. It was around that time that Tom had finalized his divorce with Mimi Rogers and Madonna was on the outs with Warren Beatty. Could you imagine ToMadonna? They would have been the TomKat of their time.


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