Is Jessica Simpson’s boyfriend saying she is a handful? |
August 2nd, 2010 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Bauer-Griffin Online
Jessica Simpson and her new boyfriend continued their PDA tour yesterday. Eric Johnson was caught with his hand on her a$$, and after they were done smooching he had his hands in a position which makes me think he is saying she is handful. I am not sure if he is referring to her butt or her boobs, could go either way with her.
BTW how smug is his face in that kissing picture?
The many faces of Shia LaBeouf |
August 2nd, 2010 under Shia LaBeouf, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Shia LaBeouf was filming his new movie and his face was like the movie title…Transformers. I wonder if that was Shia joking around or those faces were the film, I hope it was the latter because those facial expressions will make the 3rd movie in the franchise even funnier than it wasn’t intended to be.
Hot Links! |
August 1st, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Who filed for divorce? – ICYDK
Christie Brinkley never ages! – Popbytes
Rachaeal Ray is made of Cheetos – Ayyyy!
Did Chelsea Clinton make a pretty bride? – INF Daily
James Van Der Beek got married…again! |
August 1st, 2010 under Dawsons Creek, James Van Der Beek. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)
James Van Der Beek took to Twitter to make a big announcement! Dawson Leary Tweeted, “The woman I love did me the honor of became my wife today… I look forward to earning her for the rest of my life.” Back in April James went on Twitter to say that his new wife Kimberly Brook and him are expecting their first child in the fall.
The Mercy star finalized his divorce to his first wife in March.
Puparazzi |
August 1st, 2010 under SYTYCD. [ Comments: 1 ]

Adam Shankman Tweeted this picture of his puppy and said, “Jake has expressed an interest in photography. I’m encouraging him to pursue it.” Hopefully Jake will because I would love to see the pictures he takes of the Hollywood bitches.
BTW this picture was too cute not to post!
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