Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Happy Friday the 13th!
August 13th, 2010 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Friday the 13th and I love this day because I get the post this video of all the kills from the original Friday the 13th franchise! So sit back, enjoy the video and the day! Oh and avoid walking under ladders near cracks in the sidewalk while a black cat is in your path!


Hot Links!
August 12th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

That's why Donald Duck doesn't wear pants? – Dlisted
Untamed vajayjays! – Amy Grindhouse
George Michael is in big trouble – ICYDK
What is Mischa Barton smoking? – INF Daily
Paris Hilton's hair raising law suit – Popbytes
Did a bird poop on his face? – Tabloid Prodigy
Who said Robert Pattison is an awesome kisser? – AB
Eric Dane's daughter is awwwdorable! – Bricks & Stones
Halle Berry explains why she broke up with her baby daddy – GB
Whose mom is sending her daughter's fiance' flirty e-mails? – Celebitchy


Tears For Fears’ Curt Smith talks about being considered for an American Idol judge!!!
August 12th, 2010 under American Idol 9+, Tears For Fears. [ Comments: none ]

It seems like every day there is a new name being thrown in to the mix of who could be joining American Idol as a judge. We have heard names like Bret Michaels, Harry Connick Jr, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and most recently Shania Twain was added to list. Well there is another name being thrown in to the hat, and I spoke to the man himself about it.
Remember during American Idol season 8 Adam Lambert broke out from the pack when he sang Tears For Fears’ Mad World? Well I guess Fox and the producers of American Idol took notice, because Curt Smith who sang that song originally had a meeting with Fox and Freemantle about being a possible judge! When I saw the man that sang one of my all-time favorite songs (Mad World) could possible be someone I would be watching twice a week from January to May, I had to find out more. So here is what he told me about Idol, Tears For Fears, his solo work, his new website and the popular USA Network show he will be guest starring on!

Seriously? OMG! WTF? – How did you being considered for a judge on American Idol come about?
Curt Smith – Now that’s a mystery 🙂 I received an e-mail from my music agent (CAA) whilst on holiday in the UK asking if I would meet with Fox & Fremantle about judging on American Idol. Being a fan of the show I said sure.

SOW – What was it like getting that call?
CS: I wondered how they thought of me and my kids went bananas

SOW – What was the meeting like?
CS – A little strange not being used to those kind of things. I don’t see how someone can form an educated opinion of anyone in 30 minutes.

SOW – There have been so many rumors on who will be the next judge(s) on American Idol, have you been following them? What do you think of them?
CS – I couldn’t really form an honest opinion as I don’t know those being considered personally. I just hope they have a rapport with each other as the show used to be more fun to watch.

SOW – If you got the phone call tomorrow from Idol asking you to judge the show, what would you say?
CS – Yes probably 🙂

SOW – Your song Mad World went through a resurgence for a second time, thanks to Adam Lambert singing it in on American Idol. What was it like when you heard him sing on the show? What was it like hearing him perform it live at the finale? And did you watch General Hospital when the show made his version James Franco’s theme song?
CS – I was there to hear and see him sing it in the finale – I’ve taken my kids to the show a few times. I liked it and we were rooting for Adam to win as he was the most talented. As to the latter, daytime soaps are not really my thing.

SOW – I know you have been on the road internationally with Tears For Fears earlier in the year and you are out on the road again now here in the states with TFF. Where are you going? What has it been like?
CS – We start tonight in Detroit then head to Buffalo, Toronto and follow the coast down to Florida so no reports yet.
(SOW note – You can get a list of all the cities and dates that Tears For Fears is playing from now until September 5th at Pollstar)

SOW – You have a single out today, Perfectly…Still! Where can my readers get it?
CS – It’s available on all the online sites, iTunes, Amazon etc. You will also be able to buy limited CD copies at TFF shows and on my website

SOW – You already have a lot on your plate, but what else do you have going on?
CS -I’ve just started a music web show called Stripped Down Live that will be up and running again when I return to LA in early September. I’ve filmed an episode of the TV show Psych playing the difficult part of myself which will be out in September also. I’m performing a few solo shows in LA (see my website for details) and heading to San Francisco in November to talk at TEDxSF about social media.

Wow Curt Smith has a lot coming up and I can’t wait to see him playing himself on Psych next month on USA. I hope that he has something else that we will have to watch him on coming up in the new year and that is him being a judge on American Idol! Seriously after watching him in that second video from his website Stripped Down Live, don’t you think he would be great sitting at the judges table on the #1 show on American TV? Fingers crossed he is still in the running.
Now back to his music, you have to download Perfectly…Still because it is as good as Mad World, Everybody Wants to Rule the World and Woman in Chains. Also make sure to see Tears For Fears or Curt Smith live when they are playing a city near you because they are just that awesome live.
BTW Curt Smith is on Twitter and I have been enjoying his Tweets for a while. So if you are Twitter, I highly suggest following him because he is really interesting and posts some really cool pictures.
Finally thank you so much to Curt Smith for taking the time to speak with me before you performed your first show on the tour in Detroit tonight!


Justin Bieber should be afraid of Mark Wahlberg!
August 12th, 2010 under Justin Bieber, Marky Mark. [ Comments: 1 ]

Yesterday Mark Wahlberg was on Lopez Tonight and he told him about how is daughter has Bieber fever. So being the good dad that he is, he called his agent and asked him if he could get Justin Bieber’s phone number for him. Well the agent, who has made sh!tloads of money off of him, got the number and Marky Mark called it. Well he wanted to make sure that Ella Rae was daddy’s little girl so he told her that he called her crush and was waiting for him to call him back. Only problem Bieber hasn’t returned his call and now his daughter is following him around everywhere he goes because she doesn’t want to miss the call and sadly for her he still hasn’t called. So he told Lopez, “So I’m starting to get upset, man. I’m gonna have to mess up his hair.” If I were Justin Bieber, I would call Max Payne back because has he seen his abs? Does he know his past? That and I am sure Wahlberg would really like to tell him to say hi to his mother for him!
Seriously for Justin’s sake and hair, I really hope he calls Ella Rae ASAP. It will make her day and ensure he will have many more days…


BTWF talk shows: Christina Aguilera on The Wake Up Show
August 12th, 2010 under Christina Aguilera. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Christina Aguilera was singing in front of millions of people on TV, she was singing to a lot less on the local Pittsburgh station’s The Wake Up Show! If it wasn’t for her voice, you wouldn’t know that that 7 year old girl in 1988 is the same woman we know now.
BTW I always thought that Max Liron was the spitting image of his dad, but seeing Xtina as a kid I can see his mom’s resemblance in his face too!


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