Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Ozzy Osbourne is a happy shopper
August 16th, 2010 under The Osbournes. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon went on a shopping spree and I think these pictures kind of ruin his Prince of Darkness image! I mean to see him all happy like the opening of The Mary Tyler Moore Show as he carries all of those shopping bags, kind of takes away from his cred of eating live bat. I like my Ozzy all dressed in black and scary looking, not all cheery with lots of shopping bags. Unless one of those bags is for me!


Morena Baccarin gives new meaning to method acting
August 16th, 2010 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]

V’s Executive Producer Scott Rosenbaum Tweeted this picture of Morena Baccarin, who plays the Queen of the Visitors, at a dinner party hosted by Elizabeth Mitchell; and she was caught asking for something on her “special diet” that only character would eat. For those of you who don’t watch V (you should be), the Visitors are like reptilian and love to eat rats and mice. Kind of like thing on Morena’s plate.
Obviously the stuffed vermin was a joke, but it definitely made for a good post and got me more excited for the second season of ABC’s V 2.0.


Boy Barbie really let herself go
August 16th, 2010 under Barbie, Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]

via James Gunn Twitter
We haven’t seen Barbie in a while and I think now we know why. Boy she has put on a few pounds to put it nicely. I guess since the Bratz Dolls and the American Gilrs Dolls took over the market for little girls, Barbie didn’t feel the need to keep her longstanding figure and ate what she wanted and then some. Hopefully when she decides to lose the extra baggage, she will do it wisely and we will get a Jenny Craig Barbie.


Hot Links!
August 16th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who doesn't look as good as shirtless? – Celebitchy
David Beckham suits up – Popbytes
Hilary Duff got married – Amy Grindhouse
One of Rihanna's worst outfits yet? – INF Daily
Watch Tila Tequila get stoned – Tabloid Prodigy
Which Jersey Shorer got arrested now?  – ICYDK
Which Frat Packer is an a-hole? – Agent Bedhead
Not a good look for Natalie Portman – Gabby Babble
Who says they jerk off with their right hand? – Dlisted
Who ended their marriage after 7 months? – Bricks and Stones


Red Carpet at the Comedy Central Roast for David Hasselhoff with the Roastee & Roasters!
August 15th, 2010 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

Two weeks ago David Hasselhoff was roasted like a hamburger and let me tell you are going to want to eat this one sober tonight at 10p unlike well…you know what I am referring to…because you are going to want to savor every bite of it. Let me tell you I watched The Comedy Central Roast for David Hasselfhoff tape that night and it is one of the funniest roasts that has ever aired Comedy Central…if not the funniest one. I knew it was going to be good when I heard the names of the roasters and they are Seth MacFarlane (Roaster), Pamela Anderson, Jerry Springer, Hulk Hogan, George Hamilton, Greg Giraldo, Jeffrey Ross, Gilbert Gottfried and Lisa Lampaneilli and let me tell you they did not disappoint. They all took on a tough challenge because even though The Hoff is an easy target, the one thing I kept hearing on the red carpet that was a makeshift wooden dock, he is a really nice guy! So you know they felt bad making fun of him, but luckily he wasn’t the only target and poor Pamela Anderson took it hard like you remember her sex tape with Tommy Lee. I actually felt bad for her, but she handled it like she handled, you know, Tommy Lee! Luckily for The Hoff’s little girls, Taylor and Hayley, they were off limits, but the same cannot be said for Hulk’s daughter. Poor Brooke wasn’t even there to defend herself. She wasn’t the only one who wasn’t there to defend herself because there were plenty of jokes made about Jersey Shore, Mel Gibson and Glee to name a few. Even though were not in attendance, there were plenty of jabs at the ones who were there and they all fought back with their mouths. Oh and make sure to close your eyes when Jeffrey Ross takes his turn, because my poor eyes still feel like his did when Edyta Sliwanska poked his on Dancing with the Stars. So make sure to watch the Comedy Central Roast of David Hasselhoff tonight at 10p because you are going to laugh harder watching him at this then when you have watched his videos…the infamous YouTube ones and his music videos!!!


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