Want to see whose roots and bald spot are showing above the mid-life ponytail?
Bauer-Griffin Online
Someone needs to take Jeff Goldblum to the barber and get that ponytail cut off ASAP. Unless he is growing it to cover his bald spot then he can continue growing it. But I think he is growing it because he is between jobs now that he has opted to leave Law & Order: Criminal Intent. You know most actors grow beards between gigs, I guess The Fly grows a ponytail.
I guess Justin Bieber doesn’t believe in giving away anything for free because according to The Sun he has an interesting proposition for David Beckham. After hearing that The Becks’ sons have Bieber Fever, he is offering to sing to his baby baby baby and in exchange he would like to Bend it Like Beckham.
“I am sure he would do anything to make his three boys happy and if I am their favourite artist I would happily come and put on a private show at the Beckham household.
“All I would ask for in return is that we go into his yard for an hour afterwards and he teaches me all those crazy things he can do with a soccer ball.”
I wonder who is getting the better deal here? I say this is a toss up because at this day and time both of their services are worth about the same. Two years from now that will be a completely different story because by then Bieber’s voice should have completely changed due to puberty and he will just be remembered by a hair.
BTW here is very funny spoof from Jimmy Kimmel Live about Bieber’s voice going through what Peter Brady went through when The Brady Bunch sang Time to Change!
TMZ posted this video of Joe Perry doing the butt with Steven Tyler so hard that he knocked the lead singer of Aerosmith off the stage. I have to wonder if it was accident or it was Perry getting revenge on Tyler for reportedly signing on to be a judge on American Idol. Because if the Dude that Looks Like a Lady does the show that means the band won’t be Walk This Way on stage during September and from January to May. We all know that Perry wasn’t happy when the band had to go on hiatus because of the first time Tyler fell off the stage and then off the wagon?
When it comes to Steven Tyler being a judge on the show, I don’t think he will be good. I have never heard say anything that perked my interest. Well at least not anything that wasn’t in song.
So with one of the 3 or 4 seats reportedly being filled, I am still hoping that Tears for Fears Curt Smith will occupy one of the others!
Now back to the video, I love how after Perry knocks him off the stage “accidentally” he keeps playing for a bit before he decides to help him up.
Back in March Ricky Martin came out of the closet and now he is declaring that he is going to keep his beard. Not that beard, but the one he grew on his face! The Shake Your Bon Bon singer Tweeted, “shave?for what?Love creative caos.-Afeitarme?Pa’que?Le llamo caos creativo.” Why should he lose the beard? Because he looks better without it! Even though he is the father of two young twins, I am sure they would like to have a second daddy for all three of them to enjoy!