Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Looks like Jeffster will have some competition on Chuck this season?
August 21st, 2010 under NBC, Zachary Levi. [ Comments: none ]

Zachary Levi Tweeted this video of Yvonne Strahovski dancing to Justin Bieber’s Baby and said, “Nerds and Nerdettes, I present to you…(drumroll please)…Yvonne Bieber. Don’t hate, and don’t get a crush!” Looking at her moves, I think Jeffster might have some competition from Sarah Walker this season. Seriously how much fun would it be if the Buy More had a Talent Show this season and Sarah entered with those moves. Or maybe Chuck and her will have to go undercover as a hip hop band…? Whatever they do I can’t wait for Chuck to come back on NBC on September 20th!


Piranha 3D is BLOODY awesome!!!
August 20th, 2010 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

The temperature is going to be scolding hot this weekend, so you can either go to the beach to see people in bathing suits they shouldn’t be wearing and find yourself sunburned or you can go to the movies and see Piranha 3D in an air-conditioned theater and see people who should be in those bathing suits take them off. I am telling you to chose the second choice because Piranha 3D is bloody awesome!
Lake Victoria is being invaded by scantily clad college students who only want to party and enjoy the lake, but this year they are not the only ones invading the lake. After an earthquake opens up the underwater ground it let’s out thousands of hungry prehistoric piranhas and the town’s blue water will become blood red. The town sheriff will do everything she can to save the visiting college students from the ravenous piranhas, but they won’t listen to her warning to get out of the water. Meanwhile her son is on a boat acting as a tour guide to Derrick Jones who runs Wild Wild Girls (think Girls Gone Wild), his two models and a girl he has been crushing on. Will his mom be able to save the college students and her son, you will have to see this campy movie to find out…
Normally I hate remakes, especially ones based on one of my favorite horror movies, but I freaking loved Piranha 3D. Director Alexandre Aja keeps the feel of the original movie, but tops it in a way that will leave you walking out of the theater saying that was bloody awesome! I hate horror movies that take them seriously when they are not meant to be, and this movie is on the joke! You will see more boobs in this flick than you saw in Showgirls, and in this one they are in 3D. In fact there is a scene in the movie that involves Kelly Brook dancing underwater fully naked with Riley Steele to classical music. Let me tell you, you boys will be loving that scene. But ladies, don’t feel left out because we will also get to see a penis in 3D and can I tell you the Piranhas are spitters and not swallowers!
Piranha 3D is not for the squeamish because it is the bloodiest and goriest movies I have ever seen. Unlike the other recent remakes, this one is not taking it to a psychopathic level, but more of a fun one. Yes it is bloody, yes it is gory, but you will be laughing and not be grossed out by it. The CGI effects were great because what they did to the bodies is something I have seen several other movies attempt, but none of them were as successful as P3D. That and it out numbers all those movies combined. They killed so many people, I think there were more bodies in this one movie than all the Friday the 13ths and Nightmare on Elm Streets combined. And that is a very very good thing!
Besides boobs and blood starring in the movie, the cast is having as much fun making it as we are watching it. Elisabeth Shue hasn’t aged a day since The Karate Kid and she is great as the town sheriff trying to save the day. Ving Rhames is perfect as her deputy who goes all Samuel L Jackson on the piranha. Party Down’s Adam Scott is believable as a scientist who comes to town to investigate the quake. Jerry O’Connell will have you in stitches as Derrick Jones, and he has plenty of scenes that will leave a lasting impression on you. So much so I couldn’t stop looking at him funny in the Jimmy Kimmel Live Green Room right after I saw the preview screening for this movie. I seriously won’t be able to look at him the same way again, in fact he is no longer the fat kid from Stand By Me to me. You will have to see the movie to understand exactly what I mean and it is well worth it. One guy I will still be able to look the same at is The League’s Paul Scheer who plays Derrick’s nerdy right hand man. Unlike when Jessica Szohr is on Gossip Girl, I was able to stand her in this movie even though she will have a gross out 3D moment. Finally it was great to see Eli Roth die the way he died in this movie, it really blew my mind!
But what blew my mind the most is how freaking much I loved this movie!!! You will want to run out and see Piranha 3D for the first time this weekend. I say first time because this movie will become a cult classic like Rocky Horror Picture Show, you know where your friends and you will rewrite it to make it even funnier. And when it comes out on DVD, you will be excited for the drinking games you can play with it that will leave you wasted. Like drink every time a person dies or you see a boob and so on…


The Kids in the Hall come alive when Death Comes to Town
August 20th, 2010 under Kids in the Hall, Reviews. [ Comments: none ]

The Kids in the Hall are back in front of the camera for an 8-episode mini-series on IFC starting tonight at 10p doing what they best, making us laugh!
The quiet town of Shuckton, Ontario is about to come alive when Death Comes to Town. The Grim Reaper is there to take someone and he starts with the town’s mayor. Well technically him, but really he has someone else do his dirty work for him and now the town wants to know who killed their beloved town leader. The five Kids in the Hall play various characters in wigs, fat suits and in women’s attite all to tell the story of why death has come to town. The characters include the mayor’s wife, two female reporters battling it out to be the lead reporter, a 600 pound man who hasn’t left his house since his teens, a coroner who does something interesting with the mayor’s body, a town abortionist and lawyer who won’t let his poor cat die to name a few. During the next four weeks the lives of the people of Shucktown will all intertwine and at the end of it they will all come to together and we will all find out who killed the mayor. By the time we learn the truth we will have laughed at things we shouldn’t have, find out Dave Foley is really a beautiful woman and that the Kids need to be back on series TV.
I seriously didn’t realize how much I missed The Kids in the Hall until I watched this hysterical 8-hour mini-series. They have an unique way of telling a story and they will constantly have you laughing at all the things they do in a way only they can. So whether you are like me and have missed seeing these 5 guys together or this will be the first time you have experienced them, you will want to make sure to watch The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town tonight and for the next 4 Fridays on IFC at 10p.


Christopher Atkins returns to The Blue Lagoon with Scott Baio!
August 20th, 2010 under Scott Baio. [ Comments: 1 ]

Sorry Scott Baio and Christopher Atkins did not really return to The Blue Lagoon, but instead the two 49 year olds went fishing together even though as Baio put it on Twitter, “We didn’t catch any fish this trip. Maybe next time.”. Both men look really awesome topless even though they are about to hit the half century mark. Chris could get right back into the loin cloth he wore as Richard Lestrange 30 years ago and Scott is looking just like he did when he played Chachi Arcola. On that note I wonder if The Fonz taught his little cousin to wake board like that? You know like in the famous Jump the Shark episode on Happy Days.
BTW Chistopher Atkins will be attending Scott Baio’s 50th Birthday Party/charity event for Bailey Baio Angel Foundation (the nonprofit he started with his wife Renee’) on September 26th at the Beverly Garland Hotel. Check out BBAF for tickets to the event so you can party with the two men and many other celebrities.


A tale of two Brits on Glee!!!
August 20th, 2010 under Britney Spears, Glee. [ Comments: 1 ]

Britney Spears Tweeted these pictures of her on the set with Glee with the character Brittany and it is scary how much Heather Morris looks like her. Seriously if they did a movie about the Spears’ life, Heather should play her. In fact I think she looks more like the Toxic singer than the real one looks like herself now. Don’t me I am alone with that theory?


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