Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » June
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Why did Janet Jackson do this to her hair?
June 4th, 2010 under The Jacksons. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Pictures
Two weeks ago Janet Jackson debuted her new short do and up until now we had only seen it slicked back. Well yesterday while she was filming For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf in NYC we got to see it relaxed and it seriously aged her at least 10 years. I don’t know why the youngest Jackson chopped off her hair because the 44 year old singer/actress is looking more like she is 54 with that new style. Janet is a beautiful woman and I thought her face would be able to pull it off, but now I am having second thoughts about it. Especially when the wind gives her the Alfalfa look. Hopefully as soon as she is done with this movies she will get extensions to go back to her old look.


Craig Ferguson writes a love letter to Justin Bieber!
June 4th, 2010 under Craig Ferguson, Justin Bieber. [ Comments: 3 ]

Old basterd Craig Ferguson opened his Late Late Show by writing a love letter to Baby, Baby Justin Bieber as only he can! I could totally spoil it by telling you what he wrote, but you just have to watch. The late night host goes off on many tangents in that 4 minute letter, but at the end it all comes together in a way that is so perfect. So make sure to watch it all the way through to see how and watch The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight on CBS at 12:37a when he will be interviewing Jay Mohr.
BTW @CraigyFerg got a Dyson vacuum cleaner and you have to read his Twitter page to see how excited he was about it! I was in hysterics over it!


Mark Feuerstein wants to be Glee’s Matthew Morrison’s Royal Pain!
June 4th, 2010 under Glee, USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

In order to promote his new show Royal Pains on USA last year, Mark Feuerstein recorded a rap promo called Royal Pains Wrap Rap. Well the viral success of the video has gone to his head because he told InTouch Weekly, “I’m ready to go head-to-head with Mr. Schuester from Glee!” He then went on to say, “I’ll take him down, any time, any place, you let it be known — let’s have a freestyle beat-down breakdown!” When it comes to who I think will win the beat-down breakdown between Two Live Jew (Mark’s self-proclaimed nickname) and Matty Fresh (Matt’s nickname according to IMDB), I say it will totally go to Two Live Jew hands down. We have seen Matty Fresh’s moves on Glee and you know what Two Live Jew proved he can break it down better, plus he got to cop a feel when was the last time Mr Schu could say he got to do that? Let’s hope Matty Fresh takes him up on the offer because you know it would be rap battle to end all rap battles. Just because they have two of the worst rap names ever.
BTW you can watch Matty Fresh in the season finale of Glee this Tuesday at 9p on Fox and check out Two Live Jew every Thursday at 10p in USA’s Royal Pains.


Did Adam Lambert direct Miley Cyrus’ performance?
June 4th, 2010 under Miley Cyrus. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 1:10 in)

via Dlisted
Miley Cyrus performed her new song Can’t Be Tamed on Britain’s Got Talent and the 17 year old is trying to prove that she is all grown up by kissing a female dancer. It was a such a lame attempt for publicity and changing her Disney image, that it reminded me of Adam Lambert’s sh!tty performance at the AMAs. I don’t care about the same-sex kissing, I just care about the sh!tty performances with the equally sh!tty songs. Seriously if you want respect then how about coming up with a good song and an equally good performance, instead of trying to make a name for yourself by using shock value that will only wind up ending your career sooner rather than later ie. Adam Lambert’s sales since that AMA disaster. Seriously Miley if you want to be considered an adult and get rid of your Disney image, then prove yourself by acting like one and not by desperate sad attempts like fake kissing a female dancer and barely wearing any clothes. You are Miley Cyrus, not Adam Lambert, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga or Madonna. Try being an individual and not a copycat.


Hot Links!
June 3rd, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who has a tan line? – Yeeeah!
Gwyneth Paltrow's pink taco – Dlisted
So wrong, but so funny! – CelebJihad
Miley Cyrus in short shorts – INF Daily
Carrot Top with a carrot – Gabby Babble
Whose kitty is being held hostage? – ICYDK
What do stars like on top? – Agent Bedhead
Hayden Panettiere looks like a boy – Hollywood PQ
Another explosive book on Angelina Jolie – Popbytes
Celebrity Rehab has a third rehabber – Amy Grindhouse
Who spent $15,000 on their kid's birthday party? – B&S
Gary Coleman's widow's really cold interview – Celebitchy


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