Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » June
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Betty White gets Hot in Cleveland with Carl Reiner tonight
June 30th, 2010 under Craig Ferguson, TV Land. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight on TV Land’s Hot in Cleveland at 10p the girls set each other up on blind dates and Betty White gets a romantic date Carl Reiner. While the two 88 year olds really hit it off, things don’t seem to work out so well for Valerie Bertinelli, Wendie Malick and Janes Leeves. I can’t wait to see how their fix up work out because TV Land’s first original comedy has me laughing in hysterics every week! Seriously who else besides me is loving this show?
BTW Carl Reiner was on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson yesterday and he told him about a special bond he has with Betty White’s late husband that has him indebted to them forever.

UPDATE: Valerie Bertinelli Tweeted this picture of Carl Reiner, Betty White and Tim Conway together on the Hot in Cleveland set and it just makes me love TV Land even more because they are putting some of my favorite actors back on our TV screens. Seriously we need more shows cast our TV legends as guest stars because I think they can help save sitcoms by showing these younger actors how it should be done.


Which headless man needs to keep his shirt on?
June 30th, 2010 under Fall Out Boy/ Ashlee Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see whose head is under that hoodie then click here!


Look Joe Pesci got old
June 30th, 2010 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: 3 ]

I can’t remember the last time I saw Joe Pesci and yesterday at his 9th Annual Joe Pesci Celebrity Skins Game we saw just how old he has gotten. The actor is 67 so it is natural for him to look his age, but cause I haven’t seen him in a while it is shocking to see him all grey like that. I don’t mean this as an offense, but with that goatee and his white hair to me he really looks like Goodfella now. You know like how movies want us to envision them to look, am I alone on this?


Lady Gaga makes a good looking man
June 30th, 2010 under Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Lady Gaga is known for her outrageous style and she finally did one for that actually makes her look good, but she had to look like a man to do so. To me she is not the prettiest female musician, but as a man she is actually kind of hot. Maybe she should consider getting a sex change and go by Manly Go Go? Although then she would have to give up her sense of style that is only works for her.
BTW check out the interview she did with


No kidding, Larry King is a psychic and a dream reader!
June 30th, 2010 under TV News. [ Comments: 2 ]

Larry King was on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show yesterday before he announced that he was leaving his CNN show and we learned what he could do now that he will have a lot of free time on his hands. Larry says he has the ability to either tell your future or interrupt your dreams, so he took callers on the KIIS show and told them their futures or about their dreams. When he took their first calls it almost seemed like he was talking about his real life. The first caller he told them they want a three-way, then the next caller he told her she is in love with her brother-in-law and not in a brotherly way and then the third caller he told her she didn’t like her husband’s face and that he should get plastic surgery so he can have a face she does like. Sound familiar from all the rumors we have been hearing? But then it goes on and it just gets weird where is telling people where to go to meet their future lovers and they are common run of the mill places. It is really strange and I want to know if his predictions came true.
While Larry King was foreseeing the callers’ futures he was hinting to the guy that he wants to replace him, that he was losing his show and that he would love to do a radio or talk show with him. I would listen/watch because you know what if Larry doesn’t have to ask boring newslike questions he is actually really fascinating. I can’t believe I am admitting that, but I love watching him on talks shows when he is the one being interviewed. His stories keep my interest like the one he told Jimmy Kimmel about his friend Mopo.
Now back to his psychic ability he said he knew he had to be on Ryan’s show on Tuesday which was the day of his announcement. Now what I want to know if he knew in advance that CNN was going to ask him to give up his show? I am not sure that they really did ask him to leave his show, that is the network’s highest rated show, it is just me using my psychic abilities.


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