Forget the power going out on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson yesterday, the best part of the show was the opening! Craig Ferguson and the Craigettes did a dance number to the Village People’s In The Navy! I could go into describing it, but seriously you should spend two minutes and watch another brilliant song and dance number from Craig and his crew! I seriously can’t stop watching it! Is it just me or does Craig look kind of hot with the long brown hair?
BTW I wonder whose idea it was to do a Village People song? Yeah I think it was the Mermaid on the desk too!!!
Check out The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight on CBS at 12:35a when he has Madeline Albright and she is always a good interview with him!
Adam Sandler is going to star in Jack and Jill and not only is he going to play Jack, he is also going to play Jack’s twin sister, Jill. I don’t know how he is going to pull that off because he is going to make one ugly female. There was no description what this movie is going to be about, but according to Variety it is going to be a romantic comedy. Maybe Jack has to try to get Jill a husband? I have no idea how else it could be one, do you?
Last night Dancing with the Stars loser Melissa Joan Hart was on Jimmy Kimmel Live talking about finally being eliminated from the show.
So Jimmy Kimmel asked her, “At any point during the competition did you consider using witchcraft to help you?”
She bitchily said, “Whoa, hold on. That joke is like 1996, I think so…”
So he brilliantly responded without hesitation, “Yeah, but you know what, so are you. To be honest!!!” My hat is so f*cking off to him for putting her in place like that!!! She deserved that! Clap clap!!! And a snap snap!!!
I think that part of the reason why she was eliminated off of Dancing with the Stars is she never came off as likable. It never felt like she put that much effort into the show and dancing and she always seemed that she was standoffish to me. I never found a reason to vote for her and she was actually one of the names we heard of. Probably because she was one in 1996!!!
Seriously it is sh!t like that that makes me love Jimmy Kimmel! So check him tonight and every night on ABC at 12:05a and I will be there tomorrow to watch Rod Stewart hopefully perform on the show!!!
UPDATE: For all of you Twilight fans on November 20th Robbert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will all be on the show the same day New Moon comes out. I wonder if Jimmy Kimmel knew when he hired Kristen’s father all those years ago that it would come back to really help him with this amazing get!
Courteney Cox still has a Friend in Lisa Kudrow because her former co-star is going to guest star on her new ABC show Cougar Town according to Michael Ausiello. She is going to play a doctor who Cox can't stop going to even though she is mean to her. Hmmm, I wonder what that means??? Out of all of Cox's Friends, I thought Jennifer Aniston should've been the one to guest star on the show. After all she has experience as a Cougar!!!
BTW Courteney might be gaining a Friend, Ausiello is reporting she is losing a boyfriend. He says that Nick Zano who is currently playing her cub, is in talks to join Melrose Place. Sounds like when the show producers said last week that they were going to make MP lighter and funnier, they weren't kidding. I like Nick Zano, but I just don't see him on MP the way the show is now and I don't really think I will enjoy the show if they want to make it a show I can see him on.
In the meantime catch him on the enjoyable Cougar Town tonight and every Wednesday on ABC at 9:30p