Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » May
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Could CSI writer’s revenge cost the show a lot of money?
May 26th, 2009 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]

A couple, Melinda and Scott Tamkin, is suing CSI saying that a writer based two characters on them and because of that they lost $6 million worth of damages according to TV Guide.

In 2005, the writer nearly bought a house from a client of the couple’s, but pulled out while the deal was in escrow, on amicable terms.
In the CSI episode in question, a Las Vegas real estate agent named Melinda dies mysteriously. Her husband Scott — a mortgage broker, drinker and fan of pornography — is a suspect in her death.
The Tamkins’ suit claims that Goldfinger cast actors who looked like them, and that an original draft of the screenplay used their last name. The CSI couple’s last name was actually Tucker — a change that the Tamkins say was last-minute.

CBS has no comment.
BTW how awesome would it be to get revenge on someone via a show you are working on? Not that I am saying that is what this writer did.


RIP Mike Tyson’s 4 year old daughter
May 26th, 2009 under Mike Tyson, Obits. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Mike Tyson’s 4 year old daughter Exodus passed away from the injury that she suffered in a freak accident yesterday according to E! Online. Exodus was discovered yesterday accidentally hanging from a treadmill by her 7 year old brother. My heart goes out to The Tyson Family because that loss is beyond awful.
Mike Tyson should be celebrating his documentary and Hangover and not mourning the loss of his 4 year old daughter. I also hope he keeps to recovery during this time.


BTWF roles: Sharon Stone in Stardust Memories
May 26th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Sharon Stone. [ Comments: none ]

Before Sharon Stone’s memorable scene in Basic Instinct, she was Woody Allen’s Stardust Memories. Even though she was just 22 back in that 1980 movie, she looks exactly the same as she does now.


Eli Roth is one happy Basterd!!!
May 26th, 2009 under Eli Roth. [ Comments: none ]

x17 Online
Eli Roth was in Cannes to promote his upcoming movie Inglourious Basterds and by luck he got the Bernardo Bertolucci suite at the Carlton hotel and right outside his window was his extremely tall “Eli Roth is a Basterd” poster! And I hear that every morning Eli would sit out on balcony, drink his coffee and wave to his adoring fans! Other times he would come out in his bathrobe and drink champagne as I posted the picture last week! And others say that sometimes he would even sing from Evita. All in all he was having a well deserved blast! You go boy!!!
Seriously how adorable does he look soaking up the once in a lifetime moment!!!


Fox goes Mental tonight
May 26th, 2009 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]

MENTAL is a medical mystery drama featuring Dr. Jack Gallagher, a radically unorthodox psychiatrist who becomes Director of Mental Health Services at a Los Angeles hospital where he takes on patients battling unknown, misunderstood and often misdiagnosed psychiatric conditions. Gallagher delves inside their minds to gain a true understanding of who his patients are, allowing him to uncover what might be the key to their long-term recovery.

Tonight on Fox they go where House ended his in a Mental ward. Unlike House, they are not trying to find out what is physically wrong with patient, but what is mentally wrong with them. The first episode deals with a schizophrenic patient and the second one with a woman is 7 months pregnant. but there is no baby inside. The show is different than other medical shows, so check it tonight on Fox at 9p.


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