Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » February
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Psych’s James Roday, actor, writer, director and psychic tonight
February 13th, 2009 under Psych, USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

James Roday is wearing a lot of hats tonight on the brilliant and hysterical show, Psych on USA. Not only will be playing “Psychic” Shawn Spencer, but he also co-wrote and directed the episode. This the first time he has crossed over to be behind the camera and it doesn’t take a psychic to know he did a great job!!!
If seeing just how extremely talented the absolutely adorable James Roday is is not enough to tune in to tonight at 10p, then the fact that the extremely cute Mackenzie Astin is guest starring as Shawn’s childhood friend should seal the deal!!!
Side note: When is some casting director going to give Mackenzie Astin a show again, I miss having him on TV!!!


BTWF roles: Kate Walsh on The Drew Carey Show
February 13th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: 3 ]

Before Kate Walsh was a red head on Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, she was a natural blonde in a fat suit on The Drew Carey Show. The 30 year old actress didn’t always wear a fat suit on the show when she was playing Nicki Fifer, Drew’s girlfriend starting back in 1997. Do you like her better as a blonde or a red head? I think her new hair color is better for her!


Ryan Seacrest explains why Joanna Pacitti was eliminated
February 13th, 2009 under American Idol 8, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: 1 ]

So the big question yesterday about American Idol was not who made it to Top 36, but the one person who did but was eliminated. Ryan Seacrest sort of explains to Fox News why Joanna Pacitti was eliminated.

“The producers do the background checks right around [the] Hollywood [round],” Seacrest said. “When they see something that stands out, they have to address it. And they saw something, and there was apparently some sort of a link that, somewhere along the line, could be construed as one that’s close to the competition, and they didn’t want to risk it.”
Seacrest, who was attending the opening of the new American Idol Experience themed section at Disneyworld, said it was a shame that Pacitti had to be disqualified after she had made the show’s first big cut.
“It’s a sad thing to have to tell a contestant they can’t compete,” he said. “But we have to play by our rules.”

Sounds like Star magazine got it right and that her former-manager works for 19 Management. Do you think it was fair she was eliminated? I think so!


There is Something About Mary-Kate Olsen
February 13th, 2009 under Full House. [ Comments: 1 ]

Mary-Kate Olsen went out on a windy day and the wind blew her hair in such a way that reminded me of that famous scene in Something About Mary. Cameron Diaz must be so jealous.

Remember Charlotte Ross?
February 13th, 2009 under Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

Charlotte Ross made a name for herself when she was Evil Eve on Days of our Lives, The Heights and NYPD Blue and then we haven't seen her in a while. While she looks great for just turning 41, that hair color is so not working for her

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