Poor Heidi Klum suffered a major black and blue mark (that went nicely with her dress) for the Emmys when Tom Bergeron dropped her as part of one of the funniest skits on the Emmys. I just love that mischievous on Bergeron's faces. I think Seal is going to have to hire Eli Stone (a show he is going to guest on) to wipe it off!
BTW it was the Survivor who brought home the Emmy gold.
Seriously what happened to Chris Klein? He used to be so hot and now he is a yawner. I guess Katie Holmes made the right choice…nah he is still better than Tom Cruise.
Hole in the Wall has just begun on Fox and already it is going to desperate measures to get names to take on the show. Coming up they will have the Flavor of Love hos vs the Rock of Love sluts. Seriously aren't there enough American Idol and So You Think You Can Dancers who are available to do the show?
BTW what is up with Pumkin doing anything that is related to Flavor of Love, her 15 minutes were up a long long long time ago, time for her to move on.
Now that Jimmy Kimmel is not gettin laid by anyone who can sleep with his archenemy, he now is making videos with the women turning him down who he would like to replace the woman who won two Emmys for f*cking him, starting with Salma Hayek!!!
Kimmel did a great job with the pre-show into the Emmys, and hopefully ABC will have the faith him to give him all the pre-shows on the network and replace Barbara Walters with him, who did make a special appearance on the show.
One last piece of brilliance from the show was Michael Phelps as McSwimmy on the Grey’s Anatomy set.
So for all of you looking for a replacement to Jay Leno after NBC stupidly lets him go, Jimmy Kimmel is a good replacement. So why wait a year because Jimmy Kimmel won’t desert you anytime soon. He has a multi-year contract with ABC.