Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » August
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The Big Brother 8 house has an anti-semite in the house
August 8th, 2007 under Big Brother- US. [ Comments: 1 ]

She might not be a liar, but she is an anti-semite. I hope she goes out this week so everyone can ask her about her comments and not forgot what the stupid whiny bitch said. I am glad I skipped Big Brother this season if that is the crap they let in the house this season.


USA sends Burn Notice a Renewal Notice!
August 8th, 2007 under Bruce Campbell, TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: 3 ]

Michael Ausiello is reporting that USA has picked up the hit show Burn Notice for a second season! There is something I like so much about the show, I think largely because of the chemistry between Jeffrey Donovan and Bruce Campbell and Sharon Gless or just because I miss Miami and they show plenty of it in this show. It is a fun show I was not expecting to like so much!
In another renewal notice, TNT has picked up it's new hit show Saving Grace with Oscar winner Holly Hunter for 15 more episodes!

Scary Spice has been secretly married
August 8th, 2007 under Spice Girls, Weddings. [ Comments: none ]

(Picture from Daily Mail
Mel B aka Scary Spice has been married since 6/6/07 to her new boyfriend (now husband) Stephen Belafonte according to KTVN. The marriage certificate was filed on June 6th in Nevada, but the no location was listed. The whereabouts of Scary Spice are about the same now. She was in Miami as of yesterday (maybe her Honeymoon) but was suppose to be in LA today to do an interview with Larry King. After the show was heavily promoted she called up and canceled and said that Angel and her were not feeling well. Maybe she was just too busy celebrating her nuptials.
BTW why is she still asking Eddie Murphy to be a daddy to their little girl if she already has a in-home daddy for her now? 
UPDATE: Does Mel B look sick to you in this picture taken of the tanned Mel B at Long Beach Airport today by Mavrix???

Nature is an incredible thing
August 8th, 2007 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

via William Butler’s MySpace
That video is just incredible, it is amazing how nature works and the strongest doesn’t always win.


Zac Efron is over 18 right?
August 8th, 2007 under Hairspray, High School Musical. [ Comments: none ]

That boy is hot! And after seeing Zac Efron on Jimmy Kimmel, he also has a cute personality! 

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