Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The force is strong with the Princes of England!
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[ # ] The force is strong with the Princes of England!
April 19th, 2016 under British Royals, Star Wars

There are some advantages to being the Prince of England, and one of them is getting a tour of the secretive set of Star Wars VIII as it films. Yesterday, Prince William and Prince Harry went to Pinewood Studios and they got to meet BB-8, Luke Skywalker and the rest of the Star Wars cast. Not only that, they got to partake is a lightsaber battle or as Kensington Palace called it, “Time for a @starwars laser battle!” I loved that, but not as much as I enjoyed seeing Prince Harry smiling from ear to ear as a he got a big Wookie hug from Chewbacca.
Seriously, isn’t it so nice to see the two Princes look as happy as little boys? Who wouldn’t if given that same opportunity?


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