Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Who, John Travolta?
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[ # ] Who, John Travolta?
March 2nd, 2014 under John Travolta, Oscars, RENT

via Eric Stonestreet
All John Travolta had to do was introduce Idina Menzel at the Oscars, but I, like everyone, have no idea who the heck he introduced to sing Let It Go. How hard is it to say her name, Ee-Dee-Nah Men-Zell? Who is Adelle Dazeem?
I know I should follow the song and Let It Go, but I can’t. I love you John, but really?
Here is a little tip for the producers next year, make sure all the presenters go to at least one rehearsal and they know how to say the name of the people they are announcing.


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