Seriously? OMG! WTF? » We should name the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine after Dolly Parton
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[ # ] We should name the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine after Dolly Parton
November 17th, 2020 under Coronavirus, Dolly Parton


Last week, I got into a debate with my cousin’s wife over the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19. She told me that we should call it the Trump vaccine. That is when I explained to her that he didn’t fund the development and research, only distribution of it. Therefore, it is not his to be named after.

Well, that was the first potential vaccine. The second one from Moderna, which was announced yesterday, has a famous person who helped fund its development and research. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the Dolly Parton COVID-19 Research Fund (Vanderbilt University Medical Center) helped to support it financially. Therefore, we should name it after her.

Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t want to have a little Dolly Parton in them? The World would be a better place if we were all a little like her.

Plus, I think a lot of people, who are hesitant to get it, would be more willing to get the shot if they had to ask the doctor for the Dolly Parton.

The Dolly Parton can cause you to be happy, witty, the ability to play songs on your nails, loved by all, and may even make your breasts grow. Sign me up for the trials because I want this cure as soon as possible.

Now let’s talk about the difference between Trump and Miss Parton. He took credit for the vaccine as if he made it himself, and he didn’t do squat. In contrast, she has not uttered a peep about it. Her involvement only saw the light of day when someone read the fine print. That is why we love her, and he had to brainwash people to like him. Being humble is a much better trait than being an ignorant, egomaniac, psychopath. Seriously, there is no comparison.

UPDATE: Dolly Parton talked about her donation that helped to make the vaccine possible on Today today. The singer didn’t even know her money helped to make a difference.

“I’m just happy that anything I can do can help somebody else,” Parton said. “When I donated the money to the COVID Fund, I just wanted it to do good. And evidently, it is. Let’s just hope we find a cure, real soon.”

When Gd made her, he used his best clay! She is humble, generous, and so full of light and love.


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