Seriously? OMG! WTF? » TLC examines two type of extraordinary medical cases tonight
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[ # ] TLC examines two type of extraordinary medical cases tonight
August 19th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+

Wesley Warren Jr. is 49 years old and he was The Man with the 132-Pound Scrotum. Tonight at 9p on TLC, you will hear his story and see how he lived with it.
You will see the hell he went through on a daily basis just trying to get around and do things that you and I take for granted. He has problems going to the bathroom, eating, dressing and walking. The worst part about it all, is his scrotum won’t stop growing and it is getting so bad that it could kill him.
He has seen several doctors and none of them know what they can do for him. To make matters worse his health insurance says they will only pay for a surgery if it is in his home state of Nevada.
After years of searching for a remedy, a doctor in California thinks he can help him but Warren doesn’t have the money to pay him. So the doctor decides to do the surgery for free.
Once the surgery is done Warren is a new man, and you will finally get to see him in normal people’s pants! He is now able to do the little things that he has been hoping to do for 5 years, like drive a car and buy normal people’s pants. Yes I said it twice because that is a huge deal for him.
To see and hear his whole story, is really inspiring because he never gave up hope. Even though he is struggling, he still goes on as best as he can. His ordeal is an interesting one and you don’t want to miss a sad story with a happy ending.
Then at 10p it is time for My 40-Year-Old Child. Three people around the world were born with a disorder that causes them to age very slowly. Gabby is 8 years old, but she is the size of newborn baby. Her parents and siblings don’t treat her any differently. Even though she needs to be fed and carried around because she is basically just like a baby. Then there is Jeffrey, 29, who looks like a 10 year old but has the mind of an toddler. He is also deaf and mute, but his mom is devoting her life to him as any mother would. Finally there is 31 year old Audenete, who is like a toddler and in better shape than Jeffrey and Gabby when it comes to her mental development. But like the other two, her family is there to love her and help her out.
The three of them are going to see Dr. Richard Walker and he is going to see if maybe they can help them. Their ageing process is so rare that it doesn’t even have a name. What will he find out when he examines them? You will have to watch this documentary about three loving families trying to help their child grow up like the rest of us.


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