Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Roxxxy the Sexxx Robot
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[ # ] Roxxxy the Sexxx Robot
February 4th, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel, Sex Toys

Yesterday on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, he aired a news clip about Roxxxy the Sexxx Robot, the sex robot that can talk. Watch the video all the way through to see just how life like she is.
OK, that was actually him making a funny, but below is the real Roxxxy the Sexxx Robot and I am not sure which one scares me more.
BTW what guy really wants a sex doll that can talk, doesn’t he just want her to do other things with her mouth? And by the looks of it she can, but if I were a man I would be afraid of a robot doing that to my pee pee if I had one. Just imagine the sucking action she was programmed to do, and add to that she doesn’t have any teeth. Oh wait saying that, I don’t think men will be afraid of what she could to do them as long as she can.

(she starts talking at 1:26 in)


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