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Jerry O’Connell takes over Big Brother
September 12th, 2024 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: none ]


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Tonight, there is going to be a big change on Big Brother. Julie Chen is not going to be hosting the competition show.

Was she finally fired? Nope. She had COVID, which, as she says, proves “Chenbot is human after all!”

Since she is still testing positive, she cannot host the eviction episode. Therefore, they asked Jerry O’Connell to fill in, and he said yes!

I hope the bosses at CBS watch and give him the job permanently. He was born to do this!


Would you suck on Big Foot’s candy cane?
September 12th, 2024 under Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

It is 104 days until Christmas, so I am not even thinking about candy for the holiday.

That is me. It is not Archie McPhee. Today, they announced their latest candy cane flavors. They are Jalapeno and Big Foot. What does Big Foot taste like on your tongue? According to the candy shop, it tastes like pine. Now, I want to know what pine tastes like.

The two new canes are joining their other flavored suckers like gravy, possum, hot dog, and bacon!


Did you know that Lenny Kravitz and Al Roker are related?
September 12th, 2024 under Lenny Kravitz. [ Comments: none ]

Here is something I can’t believe I didn’t know until today. And that thing is that Al Roker and Lenny Kravitz are related.

Today, when the singer was on Today, Savannah Guthrie pointed out that he is cousins with the weatherman.

At first, I was like, “How?” And the lightbulb went off. His mother was Roxie Roker, from The Jeffersons, and she shares the same last name as Al.

It is not just a coincidence. It turns out that the Rokers’ grandfathers were cousins. So there you have it!

The more you know…


Hot Links!
September 11th, 2024 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

What makeup trick is Gen Z getting rid of? – Celebitchy

Stars who hate Oasis – Grunge

Halle Berry in a revealing dress – Egotastic

Eight things we missed on House – Screen Rant

Lindsay Lohan is braless  again – Drunken Stepfather

Margot Robbie shows off her baby bump – Farandulista

What show is George R.R. Martin trying to save? – Pajiba

Colin Gosselin makes shocking claims about his mom – WDJX


Jon Bon Jovi talked a woman off the ledge of a bridge
September 11th, 2024 under Bon Jovi. [ Comments: none ]

via Metropolitan Nashville Police Department

Jon Bon Jovi was in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday, filming a music video on the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge. Something happened that changed his life because he saved someone else’s life.

During a break, the singer noticed a woman climbing over the railing of the bridge, looking like she might jump. So, he and a woman, who was working on the video, walked over and talked to her. After a short exchange, they convinced her not to do what she was contemplating. Then, they helped her get back to safety.

After she was safe, the two of them continued to talk to her and ever exchanged a consoling hug.

According to WKRN, she was taken to hospital for treatment.

Jon Bon Jovi does so much good for strangers with his restaurants for the homeless and charitable work. This is just another example of his kindness and being a role model for good.

His actions are what we should all do when we see someone in trouble. This gesture was what she needed to live. We never know what anyone is going through, so try to be compassionate because that compassion can be their miracle.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help from a friend, a family member, or 988. Your life is worth living!


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